Want another one?€Demoman x reader

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It was a ceasefire day. And what better way to spend it than get drunk as hell?

"Aye, Lass! Drink another one!" Demoman donated a shot of some of his scrumpy.

"Iii...want whi..wishkey.." I slurred.
I looked around and I couldn't comprehend what I was looking at. Scout was doing the floss on the dance floor. Engineer was passed out in a chair surrounded by girls taking pictures with him. Pyro was in a corner playing with a stuffed unicorn this girl gave him. Sniper and Spy were grinding on each other on the dance floor.  Soldier was saluting random people. Medic was making out with some pale chick. And Heavy was eating a sandwich and chugging vodka.

And here was Demoman. Fueling my fire with more alcohol.

"Yuuh...know..y..youre cute...all..but, I gotta..go," I said, attempting to go dance. But as soon as I got up I fell into some strong arms.

I looked up to see Demo looking at me.

"I usually don' do this, but 'mon le's go home." I giggled at his words.

"Yoouuree so..h-hot.." I snickered. He chuckled and picked me up.

I smiled.

"Oo-(hic)-Oohh, are we going to your room~?" I purred in his ear.

"Sure lass." He abided.


Once he got me home, he went to the sink.

"Oo-Ohh can I get that (hic) shot of Scrumpy now?" I giggled.

"Yep, got it here for ya' lasseh." He handed me a cup of water.

I drank it and I looked at him.

"Scrumpy is so bland!" I fumed. Demo man looked away and laughed. He looked at me just to find me asleep.


I woke up with a pounding headache. I groaned. There I see Demo, in his normal attire, minus the gear.

"Wha-OW" Mid-sentence I had gotten hit with the migraine.

"Ye' got as drunk as meh, last night."  He chuckled.


"Ye' lucky I love ya' " he laughed.

"Yeah that's great I love you too." I was in too much pain to be happy and gleeful about it.

"Want another one? " he questioned.

"Want another..what.?" I mumbled.

" 'Nother drink of scrumpeh?" I could practically feel the smile on his face.



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