Undeniable ГSniper x Reader

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There she was, an angel, flying through the air. Surrounded by the enemies blood. Moi heart practically skipped a tick for her.

Then the announcer declared we had won the match. She wiped off the blood on her shoulda' and winked, smirking at me.

'Ah, bloody hell she caught me lookin' n' all..' Oi looked away. She laughed and patted moi shoulda'.

"I'm only joking Sniper! It's okay!" And she walked off.

Y/n <|° °|>

After teasing Sniper, I headed to the kitchen. I looked inside and saw a sandvich. My mouth practically sunk the Titanic at the thought of sinking my teeth in it.

A huge hand moved swiftly pass my head and grabbed it. My heart and smile dropped. I turned around and glared at Heavy.

"Heavy!" I scolded.

"What? Leetle girl is slow. Did not get sandvich in time." He reasoned, taking a huge chunk of the sandwich out and coating it in his slobber.

I sighed and went to the cabinets, raiding them for anything edible.

I suddenly smelt this rich smell. Spy. I got along with everyone here but Spy and I are drifting away a little more than I would usually with anyone I disliked. Don't get me wrong, he was a member. But did he piss me off? So much, but I've gotta be the peacemaker here.

"Bonjour, Y/n." Spy purred whilst pouring himself some wine.

I smiled. "Bonjour, Monsieur Spy" I knew some French, but not a lot.

"Have you seen ze bushman?" He questioned, puffing a cigarette.

"Well I saw him earlier, but other than that, no I have not seen 'ze bushman' "

"I am zurprized he iz not swooning on you az alwayz."

I snorted. "He doesn't swoon.."

"Oui, have you not zeen ze way he lookz at you? It putz hiz "gentleman" zide to zhame" he chuckled.

"Why are you two at each others throats all the time?"

He shook his head and ignored me.


We were all sitting at the dinner table, I had prepared Beef Stew for everyone.

"This stew is amazin' Sheila!" Sniper took another bite. I smiled with a tiny blush.

"Thank you!"

"Zee Y/n? He iz swooning.." Spy hummed. It got silent.

"Spoi.." The kiwi warned.

"And he iz not even doing a good job at hiding it I mean-hon hon, everyone here knowz that he-"

"Spoi please.." He sighed.

"He isn't even good at it, would you agree Y/n?" The light was on me.

Sniper looked down not saying anything, his hat covering his eyes.

"Spy, you know what I think?" I started. Gloves are off now, FUCKER. "I think that wine is starting to rot your brain, considering the fact you're being a total DICK right now. You're so predictable! I've seen all those wine bottles and condoms in your room! That's probably why you like wine, its because girls find it "fancy" and think it's just an all you can eat buffet!" Everyone stared at me shocked.

"You drink wine so you can prepare for your hourly "hump and dump"!" I continued. "Or is..no, it couldn't be..the reason why you can't keep a fucking girl is because you finish SO quickly she says "is that all you got"? I taunted.

It was silent. I huffed and stood up.

"Good night everyone, I have lost my appetite. Including you Spy, good night." I formally bowed and walked to my room.

I had gotten into my silk nightgown, pulled my hair back (if your hair is long enough, then just forget that happened), and just 'bout cleaned my face.

A knock on my door startled me. I opened it to see a mess of a Sniper.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Thank you Sheila, he was..pissin' me off n' all and you.." His face turned red.

I smiled and grabbed his hand.

"Hey, no one can mess with my favorite Sniper." I winked and smiled. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"You're a riot Sheila.."

"That is undeniable.."

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