Baguette |§py × Haphephobic Reader

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Reading a little magazine, and sipping on some red wine. That was the perfect ceasefire day. Sometimes, Spy would feel generous and share his baguettes with me.

He was crazy about those things, I wish he was the same with me.

He would always slide it over to me. Whenever he tried touching me in any way, I would back away as quick as possible.

"Bonjour Y/n"

"Hello, Spy"

"I've got your half of zhe freeday payment" he held up a half of a baguette.

I went to reach for it-"you're wearing gloves right?"


"...could you just..set it right there? Sil Vous plait?" When I used French against him he did almost anything I asked. He sighed.

"Y/n,mon petit chou-fleur, what iz with you? Zhe no touching thing iz-"

"I hate being touched! It's disgusting and weird. It's someone's germy body moving all up on you and its weird." I explained.

"But zhen, how will I kiss you, mon amie?" He questioned.

My face heated up.

"You can't..." I mumbled.

"Zhere iz a way to overcome your fears!" He encouraged.

"Is it literally facing your fears?"

"Oui!" He came closer.

I backed up and screamed bloody murder. He wrapped his arms around me and I started having a panic attack.

He kissed my cheek and moved to my lips.

"It iz okay, Mon Amie.." He mumbled between my lips and his. He pulled away.

"Okay, well, we will work up to that, but for now, lets just stick with the baguette.."


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