A Sniper x reader

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I could have definitely gone without this; my heaving breaths paired with the thumping of my boots hitting the ground of the hot desert sand. The scorching heat burning the back of my body which faced the rays of the sun, yet my whole body burned and ached with sweat and exhaustion.

Fucking Soldier's training.

"ONE MORE LAP AROUND!" He commanded, making me squeeze my eyes shut and fight back the tears of frustration.

"Sir, yes, sir!" I yelled, pushing my aching legs through the sand once again.  My legs felt as if they were due to give out at any moment, and I had thrown my head back to try and cope with the stinging of my practically medium rare body.

"Hey buggah!" A voice called from afar. My eyes opened up and I tilted my head back, shelling my eyes from the sun and seeing the faint sight of a skinny man waving down at me from the tower.

"H-Hello-Sniper!" I yelled weakly between labored breaths, giving a slight wave.

"Stop movin' an' stay there!" He yells down, making me stop. These guys were technically superior to me, right? They'd done this job much longer than I had therefore I had no right to deny any task I would be given. I stopped and stood in place, seeing Sniper disappear from the window and then after a few moments seeing him slowly and tantalizingly climb down the ladder.

He gets down completely and slings his gun over his shoulder, strutting towards me with his lanky figure and making me mentally deadpan. He's calmly walking towards me after he stopped me from my run, and pulled me out of my groove.

Now standing still, I could feel the sun continuing to scar my body with its ultraviolet rays. Now it was torture, just standing here in my own sweat while he casually just waltz's up to me.

"You alright? You look 'bout half cooked there; whot're you doing?" He questions, his eyes visibly eyeing the sweat stains forming in your clothes. My cheeks felt impossibly even more hot at being a victim of his gaze; especially for such an embarrassing thing.

"Well, S-Soldier said to do one more la-" "oh christ." Sniper chuckles and shakes his head and fixing his hold on his gun.

"Don't listen to 'im, Roo..You train when you want to train, 'cept for trainin' days; an' today's not one of 'em." He shakes his head. "An' you don't have to call 'im sir. Don't give that psychopath any more of an ego-" he chuckles. It's too hot, and I'm about to have a heatstroke. The gears in my brain turn and I stare at him until I wheeze out.

"You're serious..?"

"As a heart attack." He hums in his deep tone, staring down at me with his gun casually over his shoulder still.  I scoff, looking around. Man, the embarrassment was radiating off of me and I knew it. The hair stuck to my drenched forehead and I used my wrist to wipe it off.

"I wasted all morning." I hiss under my breath, angry and starting to swear under my breath, Sniper's smirk widening a bit. He chuckles a little and shakes his head.

"You're your own person, well, you're actually the administratah's pawn now, but othah than that, you're your own person." He puts a hand on my drenched back and I can feel his body warmth just from that interaction. I almost pass out, and I'm seeing red in pure anger.

"I'm gonna.." I whisper, ",scream.." I shake my head, closing my eyes.

"Cmon, I got some A.C in me van, an' it's closer." He motions, starting to walk off. I cant even see too far anymore, I've gotten to that point of exhaustion.

"Okay, I'm taking your advice on this one," I mumble, walking behind the tall man. But it was more trudging through the heat which was still so hot it was almost as if I was deep underwater and I could have drowned in the heat at any moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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