Chapter Twenty-One

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"Even in the worst of situations," she continued, "Ivy always manages to find a bright side."

"Can I meet her?" asked Noemi, eagerly.

Elouise laughed again. "Of course. You two will become great friends. She is Henry's cousin, and she has a cat named Clawdia."

"Clawdia?" Noemi covered her mouth and giggled. She then asked questions about Ivy and Clawdia. Elouise was more than happy to answer each one. Anything to shift her thoughts from her worries, even if temporarily.

Once Elouise finished talking about the surprise birthday ball she'd done for Henry, Noemi was fast asleep. Elouise removed her cloak and wrapped it around Noemi. She then brushed back stray hairs that'd fallen onto the girl's face, meticulously avoiding touching the scar on her eyebrow.

Elouise stood and walked to the window, wrapping her arms around herself as she peered out into the forest. In her mind, she could see gentle dark eyes and a slightly crooked smile that brightened those eyes every single time. And that yearning inside her chest tugged harder.

"Eldon," she sighed. "Come back to me."

When Noemi rose from her sleep, they decided to leave.

The wind had calmed to a simple breeze. Noemi returned the cloak to Elouise and held her hand as they exited the cabin together and walked down the trail.

A long while into their walk—and a long while of Elouise wondering if they were even headed in the right direction—they encountered a caravan. The woman sitting upfront slowed the horse until she halted beside them. She smiled—a warm and inviting gesture.

"Why, hello there," the woman greeted, her voice revealing a distinct accent. "It ain't often that I stumble upon a pair on foot. Are ya lost?" Her olive-colored eyes zoned in on Elouise, and Elouise looked away.

"We're trying to go up the mountains," stated Noemi.

The woman chuckled. "Why would ya wanna do a thing like that? From here, it gets colder and dangerous. You two don't seem prepared, either."

"We'll be fine."

"Well, aren't you a brave little one?" Elouise felt the woman's stare on her again. "Is she your daughter? Sister?"

Elouise swallowed hard and faced her. She said, "Ah... we must continue on our way now." She tugged Noemi's hand. Noemi merely glanced up at her as if she didn't understand.

"Are you sure?" asked the woman. "I got some supplies if you need 'em." She then hopped off from her seat and scurried to the back. She pulled away the sheet covering the wagon, revealing baskets of fruit, fur, and leather.

Noemi then smiled up at Elouise. Elouise noted the way Noemi stared longingly at the berries. The woman reached into the basket and grabbed a handful.

She turned back to them. "I'll sell ya these for a single gold coin." And Noemi's smile vanished. Again, she peered at Elouise. This time, she frowned.

"We don't have any, do we?" she quietly questioned as if that would prevent the woman from hearing. Elouise softly exhaled and let her shoulders fall. Any coins she'd brought with her had stayed with Snow.

Oh, Snow...

"No," Elouise responded, averting her eyes.

"That's too bad," the woman responded as she dropped the fruit back into the basket. Noemi's lower lip protruded, and Elouise did her best not to appear as miserable as she now felt.

As the woman headed back to her seat, Elouise followed, saying, "Perhaps there is something else you could assist us with... that does not require coins." This captured her interest, drawing her brows firmly together.

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