Chapter twelve- Eternal eyes

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The infinity pool was huge. Alec took off his clothes and jumped into the water. The pool was empty, just the two of them. The water was the perfect temperature- it was not too cold, but still cool enough to be refreshing. Alec swam to the end of it and dove underwater. The end-wall of the pool was out of glass, so he could see through it. The view was beautiful- the water made it look blurry. As he swam to the surface again, he saw Magnus was about to get in the pool. He sat at the edge, the feet in the water. Alec took a deep breath, dove again and swam to Magnus. As he saw his feet underwater, he grabbed his ankle and pulled his boyfriend down. Even through the water, he could hear him shrieking. As Alec needed air, he got to the surface: His mission succeeded- Magnus was entirely wet. "What was that for, Alexander?", he asked. Alec shrugged:" I don't know. Doesn't matter." Then he gave his boyfriend a kiss. He pulled him closer, their bodies bumped against each other. Magnus' hair tickled Alec's nose. Alec looked into Magnus' eyes-they were brown, almost golden. In moments like those, he couldn't hide them underneath a glamour. Alec saw his eyes changing shape, they were slimmer now, like cat eyes. Alec's favorite cat eyes in the world. He could see some golden spots in them. When Alec looked into those eyes, into those pupils he felt as if he got lost in them. They bore so many secrets, these eyes. Now these eyes began staring in his, as if they could read all his inside as if he was a book. Sometimes Magnus said, he felt like Alec was an opened book to him. Back then, he couldn't understand what he meant. Now he could. The difference was that the book behind Magnus' eyes was written in an ancient language, a language he couldn't understand. They were vulnerable, those eyes. On the outside, Magnus was this incredible, unbreakable and amazing warlock. There seemed to be nothing human about him, but to Alec that wasn't true. Although his eyes looked the most inhuman, they were the most human part of Magnus' body to Alec. Alec couldn't tell how long they stood there, looking at each other. Magnus' eyes seemed to be like a mirror which showed him the inside of his own. All his fear, all his insecurity. He never believed those were Magnus' fears, Magnus' insecurities. "The view is stunning.", Magnus said and pulled Alec to the edge.

"We did it!", Jace screamed und grabbed his duffel bag. Clary smiled. The first week was done, so Simon and Isabelle would stay with the cats at night. They would have to come on days, too but today they were free. In the hallway, they met Luka and Maia who would be with Simon and Isabelle today. "Congratulations! You made it out alive.", Maia said. Clary just smiled and passed by them. "Magnus called and told us today was shower day- the cats need to be washed, especially after all the mess they created the past days." Maia rolled her eyes:" Seriously? Cats hate water." "I know.", Izzy answered. "Well, challenge accepted.", Luke said and got to the cats' room. He picked four cats who would go first- Pugna, Lucian, Belle and David. Meanwhile, Isabelle got to the bathroom to fill the bathtub with water- she figured that would be the best method. She couldn't imagine how dramatically wrong she was. She saw a thick, old, gray cat, chilling in the bathtub. "He's the true king in here.", Isabelle said, more to herself and grinned. As she tried to lift the cat out of the tub, he woke up and ran away from the girl. Diva, she thought. Then, Luke, Simon and Maia arrived with their cats. "So, how did you imagine to do that?", Simon asked. "Well, I would say let's pour some soap in and get the cats in there for some minutes- everyone will have to try that their cat stays inside.", Luke suggested. As far as no one had experience with washing cats, they did as they were told. "One, two, three!", Maia commanded and dipped Pugna into the water. Well, as everyone expected, the cats weren't happy at all. Water splashed as Lucian tried to free himself out of Luke's iron grip. Belle left a long scratch on Isabelle's underarm. "Oh my god!", Simon yelled as David managed to whirl himself out of his arms and jumped out of the tub. David darted out of the bathroom immediately, leaving wet stains all over the floor. "Dear Angel, please no!", Isabelle yelped and let go of Belle, which darted after David immediately. Luke pulled Lucian out of the water and wrapped a towel around the cat, so Lucian wouldn't be that wet if he'd ran away, same with Pugna. David and Belle were in the kitchen, leaving wet footprints of the white carpet. "Crap!", Isabelle cursed. Their glasses still stood on the table, and the worst thing was that they were still filled with water. As if Isabelle's thoughts were transmitted to Belle's brain, the cat jumped on the table, right in between all the glasses. With satisfaction, Belle pushed one glass after the other from the table and watched them break into hundreds of pieces with delight. Isabelle flinched. Not that the carpet wasn't filthy enough by now, there was a half full bottle of vine on the table. With gratitude, Belle's tail hit the bottle, too. "Wow, okay, I guess we need to overthink our washing method.", Simon said. Isabelle nodded. "Doesn't matter. We'll clean that up tomorrow, I am tired." "Do you need help?", Luke said and entered the kitchen. "Oh", he added," I guess I'm a little late." Maia entered the kitchen, too. "Well, four cats are washed, so that's good news." "I doubt you can call them clean.", Simon contradicted and pointed at David, who joyfully took a bath in the sink which was, well, let's call it a little unsanitary.

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