Chapter seven- angelic asshole

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After some minutes of trying, Izzy finally convinced Goldilocks to let go of Jace, which the boy was really grateful for. "That cat is a beast.", he sighed. "Are you okay?", Izzy said, more laughing than being concerned. "I'm fine. I'm just tired as fuck and was stabbed by a cat which represents me, now I have ten bleeding wholes in back, I feel like this on an everyday basis. Don't worry." Clary laughed a little and drew on an Iraze on Jace's back. Then they all left him alone again.

Magnus was walking down the main street of Dubai. Behind him was Alec. They were on their way to a guide which was going to lead them through the desert. They will spend one night there and then return to Dubai city. Alec was already really excited because he has never been to a desert before. As they reached their guide, he introduced himself: "Hey! I am Will, I'll lead you through the desert." Alec nodded gratefully. Magnus wanted to go to the desert on his own, but that didn't feel right to Alec, so they decided to book a private guide. There were three big camels. "We will ride them too, but they are mainly meant for carrying food or water or other necessary things." Will showed them how to ride the camels. As Alec and Magnus finally figured it out, they went inside the desert. Before the trip, Will told them to choose long sleeved shirts and long pants. First, Alec didn't understand the logic behind it, but as soon as they got deeper into the desert, he felt the sun burning on his skin. "If you would wear a tank top, the sun would burn your arms, which would feel a lot worse than sweating a little more.", Will explained. It was true, the air was dry and hot. There was hardly any wind there, but sometimes there was a little blow which felt refreshingly cooling, but on the other hand blew sand into their eyes. After almost half an hour, they were already thirsty, so they drank some water. Will brought about twenty-five bottles of water, Magnus and Alec brought some water too. Even though it really was hot and dry in the desert, Magnus thought thirty bottles of water for one and a half day were a little too much. "You never know.", Will answered," The desert is unpredictable. Sometimes people get stuck in the desert because of a sand storm or something and die because of dehydration. Seeing the scared faces of his guests he added:" But that doesn't happen too often. And if so, the people aren't prepared or go to the desert on their own. I know all the dangers of the desert, I am a professional guide. So, with me, you're on the safe side." Magnus nodded. Now he just realized how stupid his idea has been. After a quick break, they moved on. Will turned out to be a really interesting person. They found out that Jem, the butler, was one of his best friends. Will had a lot of interesting stories to tell. Of course, as a desert guide he was part of quite a few adventures. The sun began to set. The sky turned purplish-pink. The clouds turned out to be dark blue, leaving an almost black shadow on the sand. It got a little cooler. Magnus, Alec and Will were riding their camels into the sunset. Alec was the last one in the caravan. He couldn't get enough of the view. The sky, the desert, the camels and his gorgeous boyfriend, Riding into the sunset with a glittery jacket. There couldn't be anything more beautiful.

"That did not happen.", Simon said. He stood in front of a huge mess. Actually, this mess used to be Magnus' and Alec's bedroom. The pillows were ripped open, down flying all around the room. The sheets were ripped in stripes, same were the blankets. A dawn flew in Simon's nose, he snoozed. Luke stepped in:" Oh dear lord, Jesus Christ take the wheel. Seriously, what the fucking hell?" "Don't you think it's a little bizarre to mention the Lord, Jesus, Hell and a sexual intension in one statement?", Jace asked. "I think it's a little bizarre that you start questioning my way of expressing myself, instead of wondering how some cats are able to be as distractive aa a whole pack of demons, lead by the evil himself.", Luke countered. Rolling his eyes, Simon decided to not take part int that argument. Instead, he got the vacuum cleaner. As he held it up in the air to get the dawn out of it, he realized how big the actual mess was. Sighing, he started. As he got most dawn out of the air, he started cleaning the bed. Well, rather the remaining's of the bed. Then, as he put the vacuum cleaner under the bed, he heard a quick shriek. But not a human shriek- a cat cry. "Gosh, that sounded scary. Move, daylighter, let the ones dealing with scary things everyday do the work." Simon didn't even have to turn around, only by the intension of the statement he could already tell it was Jace who was talking to him. "Let's hope Goldilocks teaches you some more lessons- he seems to just rip your skin, not your arrogance."; Simon said and gave the vacuum cleaner to Jace. He wasn't complaining, he was thankful for a break. As Jace started to pull the machine out of the bed, the noise got louder. Then, finally, he saw what the problem was. Pugna's tail was stuck in the vacuum cleaner and she tried to get it out. Her eyes were fierce. As Luke turned off the vacuum cleaner, Pugna pulled her tail out of it and jumped onto Jace. Well, actually she jumped into Jace. Right into Jace's face. Maia, who was watching the whole scene from the door burst out laughing:" Go, Pugna! Don't let this angelic asshole treat you like a piece of shit!"

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