You Lose A Child

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Ashton - You had been feeling nauseous lately. Morning sickness, cravings, mood swings. You had thought you were pregnant, but Ashton didn't think so, since none of the pregnancy tests came out positive. He decided to take you to the doctor anyway. The doctor ran a few tests and left to get the results. "I'm scared." You whispered to Ashton. He lightly kissed the top of your head as the doctor came back in. "I have the seems the tests were positive." The doctor concluded. "Some I'm pregnant?" You smiled. "We're." The doctor said slowly. Your smile faltered. "What do you mean, 'we're'?" You asked. "At one point, you we're pregnant..but your body couldn't hold the pregnancy." The doctor said solemnly. A strangled sob left your lips, as tears flew down your cheeks. "Shh..." Ashton wrapped his arms around your figure, trying to cease your sobs. You felt his tears hit your shoulder. "Shh..I know..I know.." he mumbled.

Michael-The concert, the pain, the blood. Nobody would have thought this would happen. You were 6 months pregnant with a baby boy. You and Liz we're standing backstage at a concert watching the boys perform, but Liz had to step away, so Luke's girlfriend, Ashley, took her place. You two were best friends, and she knew everything. When you winced, her hand went in to yours. You smiled, and looked down at your stomach. For some odd reason, it really cramped today, and you weren't sure why. You felt something trickle down your leg, and you weren't sure what it was, until Liz came back, and dropped her iPhone on the hard concrete floor, picking it back up, and dialing a number quickly. Ashley looked down at your leg, and you glanced down too, letting out a horrified scream. The music stopped, and the boys ran back mid-song. Michaels face paled seeing you on the floor, with Liz and Ashley trying to calm you down, the blood running down your legs and sobs wracking your body. There was no use in trying to hide it, because all of you knew the truth. You had a miscarriage, and you had lost your baby.

Calum -It happened all at once. You turned you back for one second..and it happened. Your 4 year old daughter had been hit by a car, and was unconscious when the paramedics arrived. You, your husband, and his band members sat in the hospital waiting room. The boys had fresh tear tracks on their faces, while you just sat there, unable to move in fear, and shock. "Annabeth Hood." The doctor called. The six of you stood. "Just the mother first please." the nurse gave a sympathetic look. "Anything you need to tell her, you can tell all of us." Calum stated. The nurse let out a sigh. "She had 4 broken ribs from the contact of the vehicle hitting her side, which cut in to her lungs. We could fix that, but the head trauma was too much..I'm sorry." she said softly. You fell back into your chair, and Calum gave you a panicked look.You didn't move, you didn't blink, you didn't flinch. While the 5 boys were crying their eyes out, you sat there..frozen, and unwilling to accept the fact that you had lost your daughter.

Luke -Your baby had been born 3 months, so the doctor said he wasn't sure how well your baby's health would become. Your son was 3 months old, and he was already on a heart monitor. He wasn't able to leave the hospital. So, you, Luke, your brother Calum, and the other two boys had gone to visit him. None of you were ready for what was going to happen. You had sat by his bed, and smiled softly down at him, blinking back tears. His heart monitor was on 34, which was normal for him..but it wasn't normal for it to drop. 32..26..20..16..12..10..8..4..beeeeeeeeeeeep. Doctors ran in, and shooed all of you out. You paced the waiting room, scared out of your mind for your baby. When nurses came out, your heart started beating faster. "Hemmings." One of the male doctors called. Your head shot up, and you knew from the sad look on his face that your son hadn't made it. Your knees gave out, and you landed on the floor. You brother, and Luke were at your side immediately, followed by the other boys. You were hyperventilating. Liz, and the girlfriends had came in just in time to see you collapse. Liz moved Luke back. "(Y/N), honey, breathe, okay? You need to breathe. In your nose, out your mouth baby." Your ragged breaths turned into loud sobs, as Luke put his arms around you, sobbing in to your neck. "We'll try again."

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