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Luke - "We keep this love in a photograph"

Luke ran his thumb over the edge of the old Polaroid in his hands. His eyes mesmerizing every detail of the picture in front of him. You had just gotten your first camera that day insisting that you and Luke take pictures all day. "Luke, please just take pictures with me. I'm not asking for much." You pouted. "(Y/N) we have forever to take pictures. Why do we have to do it today?" Luke sighed. "Why not do it today?" You crossed your arms across your chest. He had to admit that was a valid point, or maybe it wasn't he just remembered thinking she was right. "Fine, but make sure to make me look hot in the pictures." Luke joked. (Y/N) squealed at kissed luke's cheek. Pressing her cheek against Luke's, she stretched her arm out and pointed the camera at them. "On the count of three say memories." She said with a smile from ear to ear. "1..2.." right before she took the picture Luke turned and connected his lips to her cheek. "Luke, it's time to go on stage!" Someone yelled from outside the changing room. Luke breathed in slowly, and wiped away a small tear from his face, he hadn't known was there. "I'm sorry I ruined everything (Y/N)."

Michael - "So you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans.

"I'm don't want you to leave." You sniffled. Michael's throat tightened, this was always the hardest part of going on tour. Even though he loved touring, he hated not having you around. "I know, my heart." Michael whispered hugging you tighter. You rolled your eyes at his nickname for you, but you couldn't help but smile. "I'll be back in a few months, and if you wanted I could find someway for you to come visit me." You gripped onto Michael's shirt, you turned your head slightly so your early right above his heart. You closed your eyes and sighed. "Promise me you'll come back as soon as you can." You whispered back. "I promise to come back to you as soon as I can." Michael muttered. He looked behind him to see people boarding the plane. "Looks like I have to go now." He sighed, closing his eyes briefly. He looked down at you for a moment before pulling out a picture of the two of you. You smiled, noticing which one was in his hand. "You two are so dramatic." Ashton giggled while walking by the two of you to get to the plane. Michael raised his middle finger at him and turned back to you. "Take this," Michael smiled, "I love you, i'll call when we land."

Calum - "When i'm away i'll remember the way that you kissed me.

Calum laid on his side with one arm around your waist and the other under your head. His fingers drew small circles on your waist as you ran your hand down his chest again. "So this is it," Calum murmured, "we're breaking up." You drew your hand into a fist and pulled it away from his chest. "We would have to be dating for us to break up." You replied taking his arm off of your waist. "You know what I mean (Y/N)." He groaned as you sat up, "Just lay back down please." You shook your head and stood up, grabbing the first shirt you saw and throwing it on. "No, I-it'll be easier for me if I left now." You said softly, while buttoning your pants. "Why can't you stay just a little while longer?" Calum said getting up from the bed to." You turned back to look at him, and shook your head. "Because Calum, you're leaving tomorrow Calum, and I probably won't see you again." You walked towards the door, pulling the strap of your purse onton your shoulder. "After all i'm just a groupie." He kept replaying that memory over and over again in his head. Running a hand throw his messy hair he let out a shaky breathe. He ran his tongue over he puffy lips remembering how you use to leave a trail of kissing on his neck before finally pressing your rosy lips to his.

Ashton - "We'll you can fit me inside the necklace you got when you were 16 next to your heartbeat where I should be."

"Honey, are you going to be okay, because I can always stay the night if you want." Your mom spoke softly. You quickly whipped your eyes, and shook your head. "I'm not alright, but I will be." You blinked trying to get the tears out of your eyes. You turned to look at her with a forced smile on your face. "I just want to be alone tonight." She nodded and kissed your forehead before leaving. You sat down on the couch you and Ashton used to share. You started playing with the locket around your neck. Letting out a long breath you opened it slowly. Ashton smiled up at you for your locket. "I don't get why people say that when someone die's they never really go away, and that they're here with you." You mumbled rubbing the picture with your thumb. "because you feel pretty gone to me."

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