Chapter 11

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Sorry for the long wait...again. ❤ I just honestly don't have the time to write.

Just a bit of an idea of the falls.^ Not exactly what I personally picture, but you guys can see it however you want.


"What?" I gasped, "Your father is- you're half god? How did-but a god and a werewolf can't be mates!"

"That's why he had to take her away." Levi sighed, running a hand through his inky hair. "You have to understand something Eren, werewolves and mates are a bit more complicated than the Goddesses just picking out who you belong with. Werewolves are one half of one soul, and mates are cut from the same soul. When they find each other, the souls are finally brought back together. My mothers case was different though."

"What do you mean?" I asked, refraining from telling him that I already knew of the Andrognyniys.

"I don't know exactly what went wrong with her creation, but she wasn't split and remained a complete soul which meant she didn't have a mate." He said, a sad look taking hold in his eyes. "Because of this...because no one is allowed to know of our true ways of creation, she was deemed cursed by the Goddesses. They casted her aside, treated her like an abomination, and forced her live outside of the pack homes."

He paused for a moment, taking another breath with his fist clenched tightly on the table. "The things they did to her Eren, they were horrible. They would beat her, starve her, and force her to be a slave to the pack."

"I'm so sorry Levi." I whispered mournfully, taking his hands in mine in an attempt to sooth his hurt. How could someone do that to another person? All because she didn't have her mate? They should have mourned with her, not punish her. "She didn't deserve that."

"She didn't." He stiffly said in a tight voice, running his thumbs across my hands. "After some time she caught the eyes of Lyceius, he instantly fell in love with her, and took her as his own mate. He was furious with his pack, and denied all the wolves who mistreated her access to his domain in the afterlife and casted them out of his pack."

"They stayed here for while, with half of his pack gone he was forced to rebuild and somewhere along the line they had me." I smiled brightly at that. "He couldn't stay however, he had a job to do and so he left, leaving her to raise me and take control of the pack on her own. He visited here and there, and when I turned eighteen and became Alpha he took my mother with him and I haven't seen either of them since."

It was silent for a moment as I took in the information and Levi sat there waiting for me to respond. I wasn't really sure how to. Levi's father is Lyceius, he's half god, he knows about the Andrognyniys (for the  most part), and I'm mated to him. It was a bit overwhelming to say the least.

"So..." I breathed after a moment, trying to find a way to lighten the mood and not faint. "Do you have any cool godly powers?"

"That's what you're focusing on?" He asked, shock and amusement clear in his eyes as he shook his head at me with a laugh. " already know my wolf is larger, stronger, and faster than normal werewolves, and that's about it I guess, I've never really tried to do anything else. Hell, I'm not even sure what my fathers powers are."

"That kinda sucks." I pouted, making him scoff at me. I laughed lightly before reaching across the table and caressing the side of his face. "I'm happy you trusted me and told me Levi."

"Of course, love." He hummed, taking my hand from his cheek and kissing the palm. I blushed brightly at the intimate gesture before smiling softly, and basking in his affection. It was hard to think that I didn't want this when it was now all I craved. I just wanted to be close to Levi, and love him with all that I could give. 

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