He just chuckled and slowed down his horse a bit so she didn't fall off, and so she could sleep for longer.

The feeling of her forehead on his back was comforting. He hadn't been this close to a woman since Mary.

His heart ached at the memory of her. Jane kinda reminded him of her. Both sweet, and one of the few people he was comfortable talking to.

But they were also completely different. Mary cared about her fathers opinion, and wanted a safe life, but Jane was just the opposite. Mary was practical and realistic, while Jane was imaginative and daring.

The more he compared them, the more he came to the conclusion that they couldn't be more different.

Then why does Jane remind me of her? He asked himself.

They trotted into camp as he pushed the question aside.

"Who is it?" Asked a voice that he identified as Charles.

"Arthur. And Jane, I guess."

"Oh, Arthur good to see you. Everyone's been wondering where you've been."

Arthur groaned. "Great."

He went in to camp. "Jane," He said. "We're in camp now."

She stirred, but didn't fully wake up.

"Goodness, Arthur, there you are," Miss Grimshaw said. "Everyone's been worried about you two."

He hopped off his horse, which caused Jane to wake herself up to keep from face planting into the saddle. "Nothing to worry about. Just sat for a bit and then fell asleep by accident."

She looked between them. Arthur swore he could see a hint of judgment.

"If you say so," was all she said before shuffling off.

He turned back to Jane, who was now sitting up, and really looked like she did not want to be awake. "Jane, you gotta get up now. Here, let me get you down." Picking her up off the horse, he carried her over to her cot.

After Arthur had to sleep those nights on his bedroll, he decided to get all the women cots. They were pretty cheap, and they were all very grateful.

She groggily opened her eyes. "Thank you,"

He chuckled at the sight of her. "Anytime. Now you look you need rest." Turing, he saw Micah standing there.

A sly smirk had slipped on Micah's face.

"What do you want?" Arthur growled.

He rocked back on his heels. "Oh, I don't want anything at, cowpoke. Just wondering if you two had a good time last night."

Arthur narrowed his eyes and took a threatening step towards him. "What are you getting at?"

"Oh, you know exactly what I mean. I not surprised when it comes to you, but I didn't know that she was a slu-"

Arthur roughly grabbed him by the collar and shoved him against the wagon next to them. "Finish that sentence, I dare you."

Micah gulped nervously. "I-"

Arthur cut him off again. "Now, I could care less if you say that about me, but if you disrespect her, a damn lady, I might have to pound your head in. Nothing happened Micah. Say another word about it and you'll regret it." He slowly released him.

He slowly scampered off, leaving Arthur shaking his head.

Then, John approached him. "You alright there, pal?"

"Anytime, Cowgirl." : Arthur Morgan X OCWhere stories live. Discover now