Ash: "What do you want from me? What have I done for you to make my life miserable?*Tears from in his eyes*"
Cinder: "Oh it's not something you did but the previous Wolf Emperor had it not resisted my mistress you wouldn't have had such a hard life, but specking of my mistress she wants to meet you."

Cinder steps aside to reveal a seer Grimm a crystal ball with tendrils it started approaching Ash while he started to get fearful and tried backing up but couldn't a woman's face appeared on the ball Ash screamed as the tendrils attached to him. Back at the arena Penny's swords had just cut her in half at her waist showing that she was an android the crowd all gasped a griffon Grimm landed on top of the arena's barrier and a masked woman came on the screen she gave some speech about destroying everything and started to try and get in the crowd started to evacuate Pyrrha stood there with her hand to her mouth the Grimm broke thorough the barrier and landed in front of Pyrrha. The Grimm would had attacked her if not for Ruby taking one of Penny's swords and attacking it with it as the Grimm was about to attack one of the rocket lockers that stored the students weapons hit the Grimm the Nevermore that was also got in was killed by many of the lockers landing on it while all the students got their weapons Ruby borrowed Yatsuhashi's scroll and called her locker in. With all of the students armed they all started to move out but they also heard Crystal arguing with Gray.

Crystal: "We can't just leave without Ash!"
Gray: "He can take care of himself we need to get out of here the negative emotions are causing Grimm to flood the city if we don't go help them who will?"
Crystal: "Atlas that's what they came here to do."
Gray: "And the others at the school ones who can't protect themselves?! your making it sound like Ash is useless by himself he will be fine but we need to get out of here. He's probably already at Beacon wondering what's taking us so long."

Crystal nods and all of the students start running to evacuate they run into general Ironwood taking out some Grimm he tells them that his ship was taking over and all of the Atlas androids are attacking everything JNPR RWBY PASA BGC all get in a transport and head to Beacon when they got there Grimm and Atlas tech are attacking and in some cases killing students of Beacon and everyone else who was there the teams started fighting along with team CFVY after they all took out the Atlas paladins with Weiss summoning a massive white sword with an arm wielding it they feel the ground rumble it keeps rumbling and getting worse and louder as something approaches them. They all get in a circle and look around Beryl was the first to see it and she froze up on seeing it all she could do was nudge Gray who made the others aware of the direction whatever it was that was coming to them. They looked up to see the Grimm dragon but focused on what was coming to them on the ground a tree fell over as the beast walked into view. A massive Beowulf looking creature was coming towards them his had blood red eyes no bone armor like others but was double the size of a normal Beowulf it also had pitch black fur it looked at the group and howled at them then it charged everyone dodged to see the ground where it hit turned into dust everyone held up their weapons and prepped to face this giant wolf. Ruby using her speed zoomed around the wolf striking it wherever she could the others also fought while dodging it's attacks Azure charged straight at the wolf and blocked a punch and spun around it, but as he was about to go for a swing he was hit in the face by it's other fist Azure was sent flying and crashed into a bolder Periwinkle after calling his name raged ans sent a massive amount of wind slices at the wolf but none of them had any effect. Crystal went for a stab on it's chest she got one of her sai's stuck into the wolf but she was grabbed by one of it's hands and started to squish her as she screamed in pain she looked into the wolfs eyes to see it's eyes having a dance of white and red but was barely noticeable she also saw tears from it's eyes. Azure came back with his hand horns expanded and stabbed into the wolfs right knee Gray made a massive gash on it left arm Beryl shot it's right eye after all of this the wolf dropped Crystal and walked a little ways away holding it's eye with steam coming out if it's eye. The group came together again but as they were about to charge in again they notice a crystal sphere on its back with tendrils sprouting from it.

Crystal: "G-Guys listen."
Silver: "Hey don't talk rest it would be better for you."
Crystal: "I-I can't n-not until you know that A-Ash."
Gray: "What but Ash wouldn't do something like this!"
Asuna: "I see that orb on his back that's the problem we get rid of that Ash should come back I think the damage we've done is also causing something to happen."

They all look and see the black fur being covered with silver fur the two colors battling for dominance.

Gray: "Then there's only one thing left to do."
Azure: "Yeah and we are the only ones who can do it."
Beryl: "Let's save our child of a team leader!"

The whole group charged at Ash who turned around and charged at the group Ash clashed with Gray Gray having his whole body covered in shadow started pushing against Ash as he was about to swipe with his other hand Azure blocked it from hitting Gray. The two worked together to stop sh from using his arms Beryl and Periwinkle stopped him from moving his legs Silver and Asuna started hitting the orb on Ash's back trying to destroy it. Ash made a howl that with it's force send everyone flying from him as he was about to go after Azure a gunshot rang out along with a noise of the orb shattering the dark aura that surrounded Ash vanished from him his fur turned pure silver and his eyes returned to their silver color. Along with the orb shattering a woman's voice was heard screaming no then with a flash of light Ash returned to normal he fell on the ground unconscious. Everyone looked to see Crystal with one of her gun barrels smoking she dropped her gun and smiled she leaned back and sat against a tree. Gray went over to Ash but as he was about to pick him up Ash woke with a start.

Ash: "UH?!?! Where am I Gray I had a bad dream."
Gray: "What was it?"
Ash: "I was a Beowulf and I attacked all of you*looks around* It wasn't a dream was it?"
Azure: "No it wasn't but we are all fine except maybe Crystal.*Gets hit in the back of the head by Periwinkle*"
Periwinkle: "You had Crystal worried sick about you go talk to her Ash."

Ash walked over to Crystal poking his fingers together and he sat next to Crystal she looked at Ash and pulled him into a hug.

Crystal: "You okay?"
Ash: "I should be asking you that."
Crystal: "But I am okay."
Ash: "NO you not I hurt you."
Crystal: "Nope I'm fine."
Ash: "Whatever we still have the dragon to fight I'll go fight it."

Before Crystal could stop him Ash ran after the dragon who was at the top of the tower he got up there the same time as Ruby to see Pyrrha with an arrow in her chest then Cinder had walked over to her and turned her into ashes both Ruby and Ash's silver eyed power activated making everything go white.

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