Fat Bottom Girls

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  John Reid of course considered Cassie to sing with Freddie. The band told Reid that she was to be in the band, if he didn't allow it, the band were call off Reid's management. Once Reid heard Cassie's voice, he felt like she was perfect for the band.

  The band had a deal to go perform on the BBC. Of course there was a problem. "Listen I understand." Paul told the producer of the BBC. "I understand that it's the policy of the BBC." The producer glared at him. "We have procedures." He stated.

  Cassie stood beside Roger doing some vocal exercises. Roger was sat whacking the drums. It sounded awful. "This is shit!" Roger swore. Paul walked towards Freddie, still talking to the producer. "I need you to explain it to the band, please. Freddie, boys." Paul called. They all looked at him.

  The producer spoke. "Look, chaps, it's going to be playback. Lip synch's all that's required." He explained. Roger stood up from his spot and huffed. "We do know how to play our instruments." Roger said angrily. Cassie placed a hand Freddie got up into the producer's face. "You want me and Cassie to lip sync?" He questioned.

  Brian stomped his foot on the stage. "I don't understand why we can't simply perform live." the producer turned to him. "The audience will never now the difference." Cassie was furious. "We'll know the bloody difference!" She yelled. The producer glared at her. "This is the BBC. That's how things are done around here. All right? Don't be a nuisance." He stormed off.

  Paul ran up to Freddie. "Freddie, it'll be great." He assured him. Mary then walked up to Freddie. "You'll just have to make sure no one's looking at your lips." she commented. Freddie smiled at her and walked to the stage. Roger sighed angry. "Well, the way things are done are a load of bollocks, old chap." He sighed. "This is the BBC." Brian mocked. Cassie laughed at his impression of the producer. "I'm relieved." John stated. The band looked at him with a funny look. "You would be." Cassie said. John shrugged his shoulders. "Perfect performance."

  "She's a killer queen, gun powder, gelatine
  Dynamite with a laser beam,
  Guaranteed to blow your mind, anytime."
  Cassie and Freddie lip synched. Roger huffed and rolled his eyes the entire performance, John and Brian tried, Freddie and Cassie were really annoyed.
  The band's popularity grew. While they were performing shows, the song, Killer Queen was moving its way up the charts in America. The people loved it. Girls loved Roger, of course. Cassie acted like she didn't care, but she did. About two months went by, Cassie and Roger still both didn't confess their feelings toward one another.

  But, almost like every night, they were lying in Roger's bed naked. Still both awake. This night would be different.

   "Cassie." He said softly. She hummed in response. "I-I had a good time." He stuttered. Cassie laughed. "Yes. I had a good time too. We always do when we do this." Roger cleared his throat and turned towards her. He placed his arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

  Before they knew it, their lips met. Yes, they've kissed many times, but this time was different. They poured every emotion they've felt for each other into the kiss. Roger rolled over so he was on top of Cassie, never breaking the kiss. They pulled away breathing heavy. He caressed Cassie's cheek.

  "Cassie, I really like you." He said truthfully. Cassie smiled and pecked his lips. "I like you too, Roger."

  Roger looked at her seriously. "No. I don't like you. I love you." Roger corrected. His eyes filled with tears. He really did love her.  "I love you too, Roger." Cassie cried.  She breathed for moment and thought. "What are we going to do about the other boys and Mary? They won't-"

  "They won't change my feelings for you. I love you, Cassie. I. Love. You." Roger told her.  "I really do."

  Sitting on Roger's couch, now fully clothed, Cassie and Roger got a call from Brian. "Roger!" Brian screamed into the phone. "The album's hit the charts in the America! Reid booked us a tour of the U.S.!" He yelled. Cassie, who could hear Brian through the phone looked at Roger in shock, a smile spread across her face. She started jumping up and down hanging onto Roger's arm. Roger silently laughed at her.

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