Seven Seas of Rhye

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  This now takes place after Cassie is adopted, so a few months after the last chapter. Takes place when Freddie gets picked up by the band and Roger's van breaks down. BTW, Cassie is 18, Roger is 21, Freddie is 28, Mary is 25, Brian is 27, John is 28 too. Mary isn't there while they're recording.

Cassie was picked up by the band and they were on their way to pick up Freddie too. Cassie always tagged along with the boys, going to their gigs and just supporting them. It's not like Cassie had anything better to do.She was done with school and just turned 18. Mary let her tag along with the boys, but she missed Cassie by her side.

Freddie was more of a best friend to Cassie, then a father figure. All the boys were best friends to her. They made her laugh and smile, they made her feel welcome. The band made it very clear that they wouldn't know what to do without her.

"You're late." Freddie muttered when the van rolled up beside him.

  "We already picked up, Cassie. You're welcome." Roger said sarcastically. Cassie jokingly punched him in the arm. "Oi!" He yelled, making her laugh.

Of course, when the band had a show that night, the van broke down. Obviously Roger was pissed about missing a gig, but he was also pissed that his van's tire was a flat pancake. John was trying to get the van back on the road, Roger was eating a ham sandwich and complaining. On the deserted road a tractor drove by.

  "This is bollocks!" Roger complained, mouth full of his ham sandwich. "It's uh, counterclockwise, I think, John." Brian told him. Deaky sighed. "Oh is it?" He said sarcastically. "Thank you, Brian. Would you like to do it? Please, feel free."

  "No, no, no. You're doing a good job." Brian raised his arms up. "We sold out every pub and uni, south of Glasglow. And I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere, eating a ham sandwich!" Roger exclaimed.

  "Trouble is you're just not thinking big enough." Cassie said writing down more poetry. "What do you got in mind, Cassie?" Brian asked curiously. "An album." Cassie stated. "We can't afford an album." John said. "Oh, we'll find a way." Cassie smiled staring off into the dead grassy landscape. The band looked at her, expecting a solution.

  Freddie thought for a moment. "How much do you think we can get for this van?" He asked. Roger looked at him wide eyed. This must of been some practical joke. Roger loved his van. Cassie and him would secretly "make out" in it without the others knowing. It wasn't anything serious, at least they both didn't think so. A fling maybe. "I hope you're joking."
  Freddie slapped a big sum of money into a record owners hand and smiled. "That's three months wages." John said solemnly. "And a perfectly good van." Roger added. Cassie laughed at him. What a crybaby. She thought.

  "Don't be so dramatic, darling. You're recording an album tonight." Freddie clapped and walked past the band and Cassie and into the recording studio.

  "Don't you think I sound like shit?" Freddie questioned. Cassie was half asleep on the couch as she watched the boys create a demo. "No. It's good." Cassie assured him. "Can we try it again?" Freddie asked looking at the owner. "Sure, it's your money." He mumbled. "Literally." John muttered rolling his eyes.

  Freddie tried again and again and again, until he was satisfied. "Sounds a lot better." John commented looking at Freddie. "We need to experimental." Brian suggested.

  "Try, um, bouncing left and right for the ahs-ahs-ahs." Cassie said softly, sitting on the couch. Freddie looked over at her and back at the owner. The record owner raised his eyebrows. "Do it." Freddie stated. The record owner did as he was told and it sounded great. Freddie and the band smiled. Roger gave Cassie a high-five. "Now dead center for the last." Brian told the owner. "And then blast it!" Roger screamed standing up, one arm in the air. Cassie laughed at his actions.

The band really did get experimental like Brian had said. They were placing coins on the drums and Roger would hit it, creating a rain sound effect. Roger started drumming on metal objects. Cassie was in the other room watching the boys play around with the instruments, when two people walked into the studio. "Oi, RT, who are these kids in the box?" The man asked.

"A student band doing some weird stuff." The man, RT said. "How about demos? You got some?" The man questioned looking at the boys. RT sighed, "Been up all night, mate." He watched the boys drop some instruments making a mess of the studio. "Get me some? Yeah?" The man asked and walked out. RT sighed and placed his head in his hands.

Cassie smiled. maybe the band was really getting somewhere.

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