chapter 18

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I realized something that night.

My boyfriend is very good in bed.

I wake up to a loud insistent knocking on my door.

I unwound myself from Peeta's arms. I'm naked, and so is he. I pull on underwear and one of his shirt, running my fingers through my hair as I weave my way around boxes to get to the door. I unlock the deadbolt and open the door. Annie and Finnick are there, they're dressed and showered.

"It's seven thirty." I groan, stepping aside.

"Where's Peeta?" Annie asks.

"In bed." I yawn, walking into the kitchen and ripping open the box with my coffee pot in it.

"Are you all packed?" Finnick asks.

I rub my eyes, nodding.

"How's your back?" Annie asks.

I shrug. "Fine." I say.

"Did you love your virginity?" Finnick demands.

I sigh. "Yes." I say. Annie gasps and smiles huge.

"Me too." She says.

"Really?" I ask. She nods.

"Go wake up Peeta." Finn says. "I would, but he's naked...and I don't need to see that."

Peeta comes into the kitchen then. He's in his boxers. I make everyone coffee and sit on the counter.

"When are we leaving?" Finnick demands. "We're all packed."

"We can leave whenever." Peeta says, running his fingers through his hair.

"I have to go into work and let them know I'm leaving." I mutter.

"Well do it." Peeta says.

"They don't open till nine." I yawn. "I'm going back to bed."

I hop off of the counter and go into my room. My bed is just a mattress. I fall down onto it, and I fall right back to sleep.


"Wake up." Annie says.

I groan. "You have to shower and dress and go into work!" she says. "Hurry up!" I drag myself into the bathroom and take a shower, and then I put on blue white and black plaid long sleeve button down, my brown leather jacket, jeans, and my boots. I braid my hair and grab my wallet, phone, and keys on the way out the door. There's a U-Haul in my driveway, and Annie's car, and a car trailer, and Finn's truck, and Peeta's truck and my truck and another trailer.

I end up taking Annie's car because all the other ones are trapping my car in.

Her car is filled with stuff from her house and Finnick's, and Peeta's.

I go into work and I tell them, and I give them everything they'll need to know, and then I get food and go home and eat it without telling them.

Peeta's showered and dressed, and my truck is filled with stuff.

Peeta gets in Annie's car and puts it on the car trailer.

"Katniss, you'll have to tow the other trailer with stuff. I'll drive Finnick's car and Annie's driving my truck and is towing her truck and Finnick is driving the U-Haul." Peeta says.

"Why can't you two Annie's car?" I ask.

"Um...I don't know how."

I start laughing.

"I laughed too." Annie says.

"You're such a city slicker." I say.

"Yeah, yeah." Peeta grumbles. "How do we set this thing up?"

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