chapter 5

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Mama asked me to pick Prim up from school, so I did, and Annie came along. We took her out to lunch, and then walked along the sidewalk with our drinks.

"So," Prim begins. "Tell me about Peeta Mellark. What's he look like?"

I sigh. "He has wavy ashy blond hair and...really bright blue eyes." I say.

"How tall is he?" Annie asks.

"A hell of a lot taller than me. I'm five two and he's...he's at least six foot."

"What's he like?"

"He's...very persistent, and annoying but..." I bite my lip. "He's kinda cute."

"You like him?" Prim squeals.

"No. Just because he's cute doesn't mean I like him." I reply.

"What do you know about him?"

"I really only know that he grew up in New York City and he wants to get married and move to the country and have kids."

"He sounds perfect for you."

I shrug. "If there was someone out there for wouldn't be him. He's an arrogant asshole."

Annie scoffs, and Prim rolls her eyes.

We turn around and go back to the truck, and take Prim to the mall. We go to Hollister, and she begs us so hard to spoil her, and we take turns buying her stuff. I get some more plaid shirts and new boots, and Annie gets a black leather jacket.

"How are you and Cole?" I ask Prim.

"Fine. He's taking me out next week. Daddy's mad that I'm going on a date, but Mama told him to deal with it because I turn sixteen soon." She pauses. "I really like him."

"Well that's good." I smile.

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