chapter 13

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Me and Annie are at Mama's for thanksgiving. Bay Rachel is two months now. I'm faking happiness. They're not buying it, and I don't care.

"Katniss, can you do me a huge favor?" Mama asks.

"Sure." I say.

"I need some cool whip. Can you go and get some for me?"

I nod, and I grab my keys and I walk out. A car drive past the house super slow and some blond is driving. I get in my truck and wait till it's out of the way so I can back up.

I end up cutting the car off because my patience is zero. I see in the rearview mirror that the girl in the car is laughing.

I go to the store, and I wander around and get the cool whip, who things of it, and I pay, and then I get in my truck and drive back to Mama's.

I go into the house, and I jump, and my stomach feels like it's been filled with butterflies, because there, in my parents living room, is Peeta Mellark. The girl that was driving that car was his little sister. She's here, and Rye and Graham, and Finnick, and Thresh and Marvel and Johanna and Blight and all of Peeta's family.

A little gasp comes out of my mouth, and the bag falls from my hand. I turn to run, but Mape shoots forward and grabs my arm.

"No way little sister. You're not going anywhere." She says.

"I can't talk to him." I say.

"Then just listen." She says. She shoves me in the door and slams the door. I turn to leave again.

"Dammit girl." Uncle Haymitch says. He's Daddy's brother. Aunt Karen is Mama's sister. He's married to Aunt Effie. "Stop trying to run."

Annie's watching me. She's standing with Prim and her arms are crossed.

"No, I can't, I really can't." I'm about to start crying.

"Katniss." Maple says. "Do you love him?"


"Do you?" she asks.

"Yes." I whisper, looking at Peeta, who's trying super hard not to smile.

"About damn time you admit it!" Annie says.

"If you love him, why are you running?" she demands. I shrug. "Exactly, no stop running or I'll duct tape you to the door.

Daddy tosses her the duct tape and she waves it in my face.

"Look." Peeta says. He doesn't move closer to me. Maple stands on my right, and she isn't going to move. "I know you hate me right now, and I'm sorry, okay?" he pauses. "Remember when you asked what my talent was that nobody knows?" he asks. I nod. "And what did I say?"

"You said you can sing pretty well and play guitar." I whisper.

Everyone starts looking at him in confusion. "Well it's time I prove it."

Finnick hands him an electric guitar, and it's then I realize that he's going to sing, and it's going to be to me.

Prim's eyes are filled with tears, and so are Annie's.

He starts playing, and he's really good.

Well I'll never forget the first time that I heard

That pretty mouth say that dirty word

I remember. I said fuck when he showed up at my house and he laughed about it.

And I can't even remember now what she backed my truck into

But she covered her mouth and her face got red

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