That one kind of Love

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Sweden ran faster than he ever had, straight to the nordics' beach house. As he crashed in from the front door, he heard Denmark yell "Hey, what's the rush?". The dane was sitting on a sofa, that very same sofa that Sweden and Estonia had sat on yesterday. "Have you seen Finland?" The tallest nordic asked, trying to calm his breath. "Nope, why do you look so panicked?" Denmark replied, raising his left eyebrow in confusion.

Oh no. He's not here.

Sweden didn't take the time to reply, he just ran out of the house and slammed the door behind him. I need to calm down. The tall man thought, as he sat on the beach sand, a few meters away from the shoreline. "Where could he be? It's getting cold." He thought out loud, but this time there was no-one to hear. The sun had already sat, which meant that its bright waves of light weren't there to paint the sand pink anymore. And neither did they bring their rosy warmth with them. Even though they were staying in a very southern location, at night it wasn't that hot.

Finland, please, come back.

Sweden just sat there, not being sure what to do. He was staring at the water, and as its lonely, small waves demolished in the sand. He felt like one of those waves right now. As he continued watching the oceans quiet movement, he noticed something else in the soil too. Footprints? That lead into the sea?

The tall man stood up, and started looking at the footprints more carefully. These must be Finlands, at least they're the same size. They actually did lead deeper into the water, but then he realized the reason for that. A small island!

Sweden only had his swimming trunks on, so he didn't mind getting a little more wet, and soon the man reached the island. It truly was tiny, the only thing growing there was two palm trees, and nothing else. The trees did not look ordinary, because they twisted into a shape that kind of looked like a heart. Behind the plants, there was a small man sitting on the sand, looking at the ocean.

Holy sheep that's him. This is it.

"Hey Finland, I was looking for you" Sweden said, after a moment of building his courage. His heart was beating faster than ever before, and that, that was a real achievement. "S-Sweden? W-w-why are you h-h-here?" Finland stuttered, as he turned to face the taller man. It was obvious that he had cried, and his cheeks were still burning red. "I couldn't leave you here alone." Sweden replied, sitting down next to the small nordic nation.

"L-L-Look.. about the me liking you thing.. I-I'm sorry and I understand that you don't like me that w-" Finland started, but he was cut off by Swedens lips touching his. I actually did it.

"This is exactly the way that I like you." The tall man stated, as they separated. Finland stared at Sweden for a few moments, looking entirely surprised. But before the bigger man could say anything else, Finland cupped his face and kissed him again.

"Wait. What about Estonia?" The Finn asked suddenly. He still had his arms around Swedens neck, and he was holding him closer than he ever had before. "We'll worry about that in the morning. Let's have this night just for us." Sweden replied.

"You look like you really want to say something, you know?" Finland stated, as he moved even closer to the biggest nordic nation. He leaned his head on Swedens shoulder and took his hand. "I do." The usually stoic man replied. "Then say it. You want to tell and I want to hear. You don't have to be afraid." The small nation requested. His voice sounded as soft as a rose petal.

"In this universe, there has ever only been one thing that I was afraid of. Everyone else is probably scared of something like wars, fire or darkness, but my fear is bigger than any of that." Sweden started, wrapping his free arm around Finland.

"I'm afraid of love. People do not realize how strong love is. It controls our every action, every thought. It's why we're here. And this probably is the silliest thing you've ever heard, but it's the most dangerous opponent I've ever faced." He finished. When he turned to look at Finland, his jaw had dropped, and he was staring at Sweden with violet eyes full of awe.

"That's not silly at all! You know, when you told me that I'm so much more than just beautiful, I don't think you realize how much there is to you. The others might not see it, but I do." The small man stated lovingly, running his fingers gently through Swedens hair. The biggest nordic replied; "T-Thank you.. And sorry if I'm bad at this love stuff.. I just haven't ever experienced anything like this before." 

"Don't worry, with me, you don't have to be afraid to love. I want you to be with me just the way you are, because I don't want anyone else, I want you. I want you with all of your flaws, I want you with all of your hurt." Finland told Sweden, as he placed his hand on the other mans cheek. After a moment he continued; 

"I don't want anyone perfect, I want you."

All of the stress, fear and anxiety that Sweden had felt before was gone. The only thing he felt right now was love. That one kind of love where your heart lights up with the warmth of a thousand suns and brings the brightest smile on your face. That one kind of love that you only want to spend on your one and only. That one kind of love that just doesn't fade away. That one kind of love that can appear in the strangest of situations, in the strangest of people. Yeah, that one kind of love.

It was the best feeling Sweden had ever felt, because he knew it wasn't going away. For once in eternity, he felt complete. He felt safe. He felt like the is where he was supposed to be all along.

"Then I'll give you all I am."


Aaaaaaa I actually finished this! Funny to say, this is my first fanfiction I've ever actually finished, haha. The dearest thanks to the people who have supported me through writing this and have left positive comments and / or left star votes on my story.

We'll see if I ever write another fanfiction. It was really fun, and I learned a lot of English!

It was incredibly hard though, because Finnish is my first language and I have only studied English for 3,5 years, but I made it! I really hope you all liked it as much as I did! <3

- Love, Fluffi

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