Lost in this

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"Yeah he's here" Denmark replied to the man in the doorway. "Okay, good. Can I come in?" Estonia asked with kind of a shaky voice. He seems very nervous. Even more nervous than usual! "Sure! I'll leave you two to it!" Denmark answered loudly, and left the room. As Sweden watched him go, he also noticed that Norway wasn't in the kitchen anymore.

"H-hey Sweden!" Estonia said as he sat onto the other side of the sofa. The smaller country seemed really anxious, and he couldn't meet the tall nordics eyes. "Hey. What did you want to talk about?" The swede replied, looking out the window. The beautiful rosy sky had started turning black, and small glowing dots were slowly appearing on its surface. I wonder if Finland's sleeping yet.

After a small moment of hesitation Estonia finally opened his mouth: "Oh well. This is kind of awkward.. but you saw what I got for Finland, right?" There it was. Just the sentence Sweden did not want to hear today. Oh my goat. What the heck am I supposed to say? I can't really cover it up anymore, since he already knows.. "Yeah.." The big man replied, changing his position on the couch slightly. The situation was as awkward as it could possibly get. At least so Sweden thought.

"I know that you aren't probably the best person to ask this from, and I really should go talk to France or something.. but I need your help. I need your help with confessing to Finland." Estonia stated, as his cheeks started turning red. Are you flipping kidding me right now? How am I supposed to give advice to someone else of how to get together with the person that I have a crush on?

"I'm really not good at this stuff-" Sweden tried to reply but Estonia cut him off. "Please! I'd do anything! I'm too afraid to tell anyone else about this and you're the only one that knows! Please help me!" The smaller nations voice was desperate, as he stared straight into the tall mans eyes. All of that fear seemed to be gone, and all he wanted was to confess to Finland in a good way.

It feels so wrong to see someone else want the person I love so eagerly. It makes me want to get him all to myself even more, and I didn't even know that was possible. But I can't say no right now. "Okay, I can help you" Sweden finally answered, and Estonias expression turned upside down. "Wait, really? T-thank you!" He exclaimed, and started talking.

It felt like the two men had been talking for hours, as the only thing stopping the living room to be completely dark was the moons dim light. "Thank you so much Sweden! See you tomorrow!" Estonia said, as he stood up from the sofa. The man walked out of the door, waving one last time before disappearing behind the wall. The weather over here was so warm that no-one needed to wear jackets, which was weird for Sweden. He was very used to wearing warm clothes everywhere he went, but he did actually enjoy the sun once a while. He and Estonia hadn't really figured anything out, but the big man guessed that Estonia was just happy to have someone to talk about about his feelings. I wish I could open up too.

Slowly Sweden stood up too and went into his room. It was very big and modern, with a queen sized bed and windows so you could see the ocean. It also had a cute little balcony. There were two chairs sitting with a small table in between them. Soon the tall man changed into his pajamas and washed his teeth. After that he tried to go to sleep, but the thoughts inside of his head wouldn't let him go that easy.

I could give anything to be laying here with Finland. Anything. He's my everything even though he doesn't even know it.

I thought love wasn't for me. Oh how wrong was I..

I'm not a coffee drinker, but I've been losing sleep just thinking of you.

Your beautiful, fascinating, amethyst eyes shine just like the sun, they make my day.

I love how you're so kind to everyone, yet still afraid of social interaction.

Every second I spend with you, makes me love you even more.

Every conversation we have, I'll remember for eternity.

Every moment with you makes me wish that it was the moment that I kissed you.

Oh baby, I'm so lost in this.

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