The trip begins

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"We're gonna arrive soon guys!" A man shouted in the hallway, voice full of childlike exitement. Sweden looked out of the little window of his room on the boat, and his usually dull expression almost changed. The island looked so beautiful. It was full of green palmtrees swining gently in the warm wind and all kinds of other plants that he could've only been dreaming of before this. The ocean reflected the sunlight, looking crystal clear, and occasionally he saw how its little waves hit the beach sand, making it darker for a moment.
Sweden couldn't really see the resort area yet, but he was convinced that it was just as gorgeous.

He didn't want to admit it, but he had been kind of scared that the place wouldn't have looked as good as it did in the pictures. If that would've been the case, he would have disappointed everyone. He would have disappointed Finland. That's pretty much what he meant with "everyone". Ofcourse he cared about the others too, but ever since realizing his feelings for the smaller country, he hadn't gotten him off his mind. His shiny violet eyes, fluffy looking hair, his rosy lips..

Sweden almost got a heart attack as he suddenly heard a knock on the door followed by a familiar voice. "Hey Su-san you there? We're gonna arrive soon, you should probably pack up!" It was Finland, the person he just had been dreaming of. Sweden bounced off his bed and went to open the door, with his heartbeat rising. "Yeah, I'll start, thanks for the reminder" The taller man replied when the door was opened. "No problem!" Finland said smiling, and soon continuing: "By the way, have you seen Estonia?"

Estonia. He was one of Finlands best friends, and they had known eachother for years. The baltic nation was also his boat roommate for thia trip, wich he didn't really mind. Even though Sweden knew it was stupid, he kind of envied Estonia. He was so close with Finland, and he had the ability to talk to him so confidently, unlike Sweden. After a little bit of thinking, the bigger nation finally replied.
"I think he went to the dock"

"That's strange.. I already checked that place, because I know he likes the wind.. This is really weird I usually know where he is because I know him pretty well and-"  Finland raised his eyebrow and started rambling for a little, but after a moment he covered his mouth with his hand, looking a bit embarrassed. "Oh, sorry. I started rambling again" He muttered, looking at the ships floor instead of Swedens eyes.
"It's not a problem, don't worry." The big man replied, trying to sound as empathetic as possible. "Heh, thanks again! Well I'll try to go look for him now, tell me if you see him! Bye!" Finland said, regaining his confidence. Sweden looked at him as he walked away cheerfully and closed the door behind him.

Even though some people think that Finlands rambling is annoying, the big nordic nation only found it adorable. Even though he'd speak Chinese, I'd still listen to him for hours.

Get yourself together, you have to pack! Sweden told to himself, and turned to his luggage. He was only taking one bag with him, so it wasn't much work. Sweden started picking up his stuff from his temporary boat room, and putting them back into the blue bag.

Soon the other half of the room was completely clean, and everything was put into place. The other half looked like a truck would've ran over it, and even though it was Estonias, Sweden couldn't help but to fix it too. The tall nation did Estonias bed, vacuumed the floor, and cleaned the bedside table. I might aswell pack his stuff, I'm sure he won't mind.

After a little bit of packing, Sweden had tidied up the entire area, atleast so he thought. Wait, what's that? The nation asked himself, as he noticed a weird shaped baggage in the corner of the room. He leaned over and picked it up, and it turned out to be the only thing Sweden couldn't imagine Estonia carrying around.

A bouquet of red roses? Why'd he have this? As Sweden picked the bouquet gently up from the corner, he noticed it having a little letter attached to it. As he read it, his jaw dropped from shock. "For Finland"?

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