I can't let you

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I feel so bad for doing this, but I absolutely can not let Estonia confess first. Why am I so stupid? I should've made my move when I still could! Ugh let's just find them first and then think of what to do!

As Sweden made his way through to the front door, he pushed very many people out of his way, not even having the time to apologize. Everybody looked at him with weirded out eyes and whispered something, but he didn't care. The tall man opened the door as fast as he could and bursted out of the crowded bar, not making an effort to close the entrance behind him.

Love is like natures little evil trick that can bring anyone to the verge of craziness. And that's exactly what it has done to me, and I'm not proud of it, but the heart wants what it wants.

"Where could they have gone?" Sweden whispered to himself, as he calmed down a little. In a few moments, he noticed the footprints of two people in the sand and decided to follow them. The markings left in the soft soil led the blond man into a completely new area in the beach. When the path came to an end, Sweden saw a shadow a few meters ahead, and he hid behind a surprisingly wide palm tree.

There they were, just the people he was looking for, standing next to each other near the shoreline. The taller man which he recognized to be Estonia, was holding a bouquet of roses behind his back, and even in the dim lighting of the setting sun, you could see how pink his cheeks were. Finland, much shorter than the person next to him, looked kind of confused and panicked at the same time.

"Soooo... why exactly are we here?" He asked, and turned his head to look at Estonia.

Yes! I can hear what they are saying! I just hope that they won't notice me. What do I do now?

"I-It's because I need to tell you something. Something really important." Estonia replied, looking straight into his crushes eyes. Wow, he has courage. "Oh! What is it?" Finland questioned, as oblivious as ever, not expecting that the thing Estonia wanted to tell him would be an love confession.

"I-I-I.. I really like you, Finland. I really do." The man with glasses stuttered, closing his eyes, as he handed the red roses over to the nordic country. Finland looked like his heart had stopped to that place, and he didn't know what to say. The small man just stood there, switching his stare between the roses and Estonia.

I can't believe I'm stalking them at this very moment. Should I go do something? Should I say something? No. Let's not jump to conclusions. What will Finland reply? Let's see about that first.

Sweden felt like his heart couldn't take it any longer, and that it was beating so loudly that he was afraid that Estonia and Finland would hear. He felt terrible for standing there, staring at this private moment he definitely was not supposed to see.

I can't believe that yesterday at this time I was giving Estonia advice on how to confess to Finland.

"I'm flattered.. but I'm also in love with someone else. I'm sorry Estonia. You're my best friend, but there's someone else who has the keys to my heart. I know he doesn't like me though.." Finland finally replied, sounding very sad to turn his friends confession down. The small man didn't want this to affect their relationship.

"Wait.. who do you like then?" Estonia asked, looking at his friend with heartbroken eyes. There was some kind of spark in them that told Sweden that this man wasn't going to give up this easy. "I know you won't tell anyone, and it really doesn't matter since I'm 99 percent sure he doesn't feel the same way.. But if you really want to know, It's Sweden." Finland stated, and turned his eyes to look at the ground, being too afraid to face Estonia right now.

What. What did he just say? Yeah, this is some wicked dream of mine. Nope. This isn't actually happening. Sweden thought, and almost started laughing behind that palm tree not believing what he had just heard.

"Sweden?!" The baltic nation shouted in total shock. "Y-yeah.. I'm sorry.." Finland answered, and a little tear appeared in the corner of his left eye. 

Wait. This isn't a dream? He actually likes me? Oh. My. God. What do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do?!? I can't believe it! This is the best day of my life!

The way that Estonia reacted to that was the worst thing he could've said at that moment. It was something that could turn this so called best day ever to the worst. "Oh well he was actually the one who gave me advice on how to confess to you, so I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have done that if he liked you, sorry Finland."

No. Oh my dear lord no. No. Don't do this to me. I need to do something, right now. I am not letting this happen.

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