Ep.5: Soos And The Real Girl

Start from the beginning

Soos: Virtually improve your dating skills!!! Nine out of ten basic dwellers recommend!!! This is perfect!!!

Dipper: Well, I guess you are better at games than at flirting!

Mabel: Anything to get you out there, Soos!!!

Worker: Uh, I don't recommend buying that game. This is the third time someone's brought it back, and there's a note on it that says "Destroy at all cost"

Soos: *to a cardboard cutout of a woman* So hey there, what's your deal? Like a- *pokes it cardboard making it fall over* Oh, she's dead!!!

You, Dipper, and Mabel: ...

Mabel: We'll take our chances.

Something did feel strange about the game, but I decided to ignore it for now.

The next day I was free from work, Wendy had the shift the rest of the day. Apparently Stan wanted to buy some animatronic, said they'd help him gain more customers. Eesh, I've always hated those things.

We had been looking for Soos, we were going to the mall again. However, he was nowhere to be seen. Strange, he has never missed a day if work. We went to his house, his grandma told us he was in his room. He was stuck to his chair, laughing at his computer.

Soos: *laughs* So that's basically my entire life story!!! Now you tell me a thing about you!!!

Girl from Game: Every time you compliment me, I get another highlight in my eyes!!!

Soos: Uh, you're pretty!

Girl from Game: *gasps as a highlight appears in her eyes*

Soos: And pixel-y!!!

Girl from Game: *gasps as more highlights appear*

Soos: And so agreeable!!!

Girl from Game: *gasps as many cute things appear*

Soos: Yes!!!

Mabel: Uh... Soos...?

Soos: Oh hey, dudes, come in!!! This game is amazing!!! I'm making eye contact, going on dates, and I haven't seen any natural sunlight for thirteen hours!!!

Dipper: *kicks a can on the floor*

Mabel: Soos, maybe it's time to play these skills with real girls!!!

Soos: But I'm about to meet her parents!!! *whispers* Her dad is an octopus man!!!

You: *open the window letting sunlight inside*

Soos: AHH!!! *hisses at the sunlight and hides under his desk*

Dipper: *pulling Soos's arm* We're going back to the mall, man! You need to unplug! *drags Soos to the door*

Soos: I'll see you later, •GIFfany!!! I'll be back, I swear!!!

Mabel: *laughs* Soos, you don't have to wish her goodbye, it's just a game! It's not like it's going anywhere!

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