Chapter Fourteen

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Holland's POV

"Hey kiddo, how was your weekend?" My mom asked, sitting across the table from me, sipping her coffee. 

"It's been alright. Pretty uneventful." I sighed.

It was completely true, the last time I had seen Luke was Saturday morning because he had to go to his grandmothers with his mom about an hour away, so he was there overnight. I asked Remi to hang out Sunday, but she had to clean her house before her parents got home. We had recently grown closer, and it was nice to actually have a friend who wasn't a boy. 

"How's that boyfriend of yours?" My mom spoke, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Who? Luke? He isn't my boyfriend." 

"Oh, I just thought because you guys are always together."

"No, we're just really good friends."

"Have you told him?"

I knew she was refering to my lack of memory, but me and Luke had known eachother for over a month, and so far nothing had really come up about that.



"Because he it isn't something I like to throw around."

"Holland, he deserves to know."

"You don't know the first thing about him, how would you know what he deserves?" 

She sipped her coffee and I could tell our convesation was over. I knew she was probably right but now is not the time for me to spill big secrets onto Luke. I heard a beep from the outside and grabbed my bag from the table practically running out the door to see Luke. He got out of his car and opened his arms out for me to run into them. 

"I haven't seen you in two days! How have you been?" He laughed into my ear. 

"Bored." I giggled. We parted and both got into the car. 

"I think we should do something tonight." He says, reversing the car.

"Like what?" 

"Like go to dinner or something. Be a bit of a proper couple before we fuck." 

"A couple?"

"Like, not a couple, a couple as in two people." He was clearly flustered which made me laugh.

"It's okay Luke, I get it." 

"Is that a yes?" 

"Depends, what do I wear?"

"Something classy, but very sexy."

"Then yes."

He smiled at me and by now we were at the school and he took his usual parking spot. I grabbed my bag from the backseat and when I reached back to the front Luke grabbed my face abd brought our lips together.

"Hope you didn't think I'd be able to go a whole day without kissing you."

"Oh Luke I know you couldn't." I smirked, pulling him back in by his shirt.

Our lips moved in sync and I was trying to make up for lost time when the back doors open and the boys all hop in.

"Oh gross." Michael jokes, making us split.

"Jesus, can't a guy get some without his friends ruining it every time." Luke laughs.

"Where's Ash?" I ask.

"Talking, or trying to talk to Remi." Calum shrugs.

"Didn't know they were friends." 

"Us either." Calum spoke for him and Michael.

Abnormal / / Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now