Chapter Seven

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I woke up the next morning to something hitting my window. I moved across my room and opened it just as another pebble flew in and hit my forehead. "Ow, who's out there?" There was a ruffling in the bush and suddenly a tall boy came out, dusting off his jeans. 

"Sorry about that, I didn't realize you were awake." 

"Well now I am, and I'm probably bruising." 

He walked over to the side of the house and latched onto a low tree branch hauling himself up. "Luke what are you doing?" 

His legs came through followed with his torso, and he stood in my room. "Just wanted to hang out. I thought texting you would be horribly dorky."

I laughed at his use of the word dorky. "I don't think anyone would ever describe you as that." 

He came closer pulling me in by my waist but I pushed back. "I have morning breathe. Let me go brush my teeth."

"I was just going in for a hug, but if you want to take it farther.." He smirked and I left the room to sort myself out. I checked my moms room and she wasn't home, last night she had something about going out for the day with a friend. I went into the bathroom and went to my room again and Luke was laying on my bed. I came and sat across him with my legs on either side. 

"I could get used to looking at you from this position." He chuckles and I playfully hit his chest. He grabs my hands and pulls me down, pressing our lips together. I smile at the familiar feeling of his lips and he laughs so we need to stop for a second.

"What's so funny?" 

"Nothing, it's just kind of crazy. A week ago you wouldn't even look at me and now look at us."

"Yeah, our lives were actually a lot different a week ago." 

"I agree, for instance I couldn't do this if I wanted too." He flipped us over and our lips met again. He moved his hands to my thighs so he could lift them around his waist. He picked me up after a few seconds and pushed my back against the wall, his lips kissing my neck. 

"Luke." I breathed and he smiled against my neck and now sucked on certain areas. Finally he came up for air and he put me down. 

"I like kissing you when we're sober." 

"Me too." 

"But I also really like watching you get high."

"Why's that?"

"Well for starters, you are incredibly sexy when you smoke. Second, you are just very free. You touch me more." I didin't even notice my hands were around Luke's neck that whole time. "I like it when you pull at my hair."

"You are not afraid to speak your mind are you?"

He shook his head. "Not for a second."

"I like that about you." I smile.

He sat down on my bed and I sat in my chair at my desk. We both looked around the room awkwardly like we didn't know what to say. 

"Just out of curiousity, what are your thoughts on premarital sex?" He finally spoke.

I tense for a second but then I understand he isn't asking me to have sex with him. "It isn't a big deal to me. I think if the moments right, you should just do it."

"So that moment could be right now, with me, and we could do it?" 

"I mean, in theory yes, but I mean we're just friends so it would be awkward." 

"It wouldn't have to be."

"What are you suggesting, Hemmings?" 

He shrugged. "I mean, we already make out and stuff, so why don't we pleasure each other more. Like friends with benefits. We can be best friends but when we are alone, we can have a little fun."

I thought this over. A very attractive boy was offering me sex and such without the promise of a relationship. It was crazy.

"Deal." I say, holding out my hand. 


"Yes, deal. On one condition."

"That is?" 

"We take it slow. Not in a romantic way, but I'm a stone cold virgin, so I'd rather take the steps."

"Baby, we're gonna have a lot of fun." He stood up and pulled me out of the chair kissing me on the lips.

"Nothing romantic either. Purely sexual. We don't need anyone catching feelings."

He nodded, and started kissing my neck again leading me to the bed. He sat me down and stood over my body leaning over to kiss me. "Well, my little virgin, what should this day consist of?" 

"What do you think? I'm the virgin remember." 

"Well, maybe we should just kiss first." I nod and his lips come to mine and we lay back on the bed. It becomes heated quickly and he reached down and pulls off his own shirt. My hands roam his body like he says he likes and he cupped my face. Without much thought, my hands start playing with the waist band of his jeans. He pulls away and smirks.

"Are you teasing me Ms. Carson?"

I bite my lip and he bring our lips back. Again, by instinct I begin to play with him through his jeans. I feel him getting hard and I realized this was a mistake. "Luke."

"Yeah babe?" He says looking at me.

"What do I do?"

"What do you mean?" 

"What do you want me to do with your, friend?"

He smirked. "I'd be okay with a handjob if you want that." 

I nod and begin to kiss him on the neck because that seems to be the right thing to do. He tenses for a second but I work his button on his pants and pull them off. His legs finish the job. I grab him through his boxers again and rub around.

"Fuck, babe, keep going." I sucked in and reached into his waistband to grab his length. It shocked me by its size and I did all I could to hold in a gasp. I slowly move up and down with my hand and I can feel him groaning above me. ""Faster." He demands and I speed up just a little. "More." He moaned now and I sped up the pace more. I kissed his neck while this happened and all he could do was moan. "Fuck this is good. I'm gonna come." I slowed it again and after a few second my hand was soaked with a warm liquid. He moaned one last time before falling off me and laying on the empty bed. I let him relax for a few seconds by going to the bathroom and washing my hands. 

When I came back he was still just laying there, and his breath was slower so I assumed he was sleeping. I crawled in next to him and closed my own eyes, resting, even though I was incredibly pumped. 

"That was amazing." He said through his teeth. His hands moved until they found my waist and pulled me closer. "You're amazing."

"You're just saying that so I'll get you off more often." I joke.

"I know you would even if I didn't say it baby. Can we take a nap now?" I nod and he tangles are legs together, I saw he had put his pants back on and we both tried to avoid the spot where he came on my bed. His hands wrapped around my waist as we both drifted off to sleep.

A/N: BASICALLY I HAVE BEEN READING DIRTY IMAGINES ALL DAY! Sorry this is just a filler, I wanted to get things started. This is pretty much a preview of whats to come sorry if it makes you uncomfortable. I most likely wont be updating for a few days because my WWAT is coming up and my best friend is in town for a few days but I'll try to update atleast once. We will be back to regular updates probably this time next week. Also my field hockey is starting so im going to start making chapters every few days I think. Don't give up on this book though, there is a lot to come.

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