Chapter Six

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((Song for the chapter is 'Kiss me Kiss me' by 5sos.))

My phone was beeping from my alarm clock when I woke up. I couldn't remember a single thing after Ashton shoved a needle into my arm and I had a massive headache. The first thing I noticed was my location. I could tell I was in the 'Freedom House'. Then I noticed an arm around me. I turned my body over and my face was an inch from Luke's' who was still asleep. Then I freaked out. 

"What the fuck is going on?" I practically yell and Luke's eyes shoot open. I can feel tears in my eyes out of pure confusion and he began immediately quieting me.

"Hey, shh, it's okay. We figured it out yesterday."

"Figured what out Luke? Did I sleep with you? Why am I here? My mom is going to freak out I am so dead."

"No, your mom thinks your at a friends house its okay. We didn't sleep together. I would never do that to you."

"What happened?"

He seemed to hesitate and I could tell we didn't just go to sleep. 

"Well, we came here, and you were still tripping out a little so I laid you here and then, you told me, you wanted to kiss me. I don't know, we got caught up in the moment it's fine."

"What? You have a girlfriend Luke! Why would you kiss me?"

"I don't know. It was fucked up but I'm going to make it right I swear!"

"Make it right! What do you mean make it right? You cheated on your girlfriend with me!" 

"I'm going to break up with her."

I stared at him in shock. "Why would you do that?"

"Because last night, I just thought-"

"You thought wrong Luke. I was vulnerable. I didn't mean it, don't leave your girlfriend over a mistake."

"What if it wasn't a mistake?"

I look away in embarrassment. I wasn't going to let him make another mistake. "It was, Luke. I need to leave. Can we leave?" 

He nodded his head and began putting his shoes on. I adjusted my clothes and hair the best I could and we made our way downstairs. I looked at the walls for a few minutes and thought about how the kiss with Luke felt. Something inside of me fluttered at the thought of it, but I quickly pushed it away. He had a great life, I wouldn't ruin it for him.

"Ready to go?" Luke asked, poking his head in the door.

"Yeah." I follow him out and we get into his car. The first five minutes were dead silent. No music could cover the awkward tension.

"You can't tell Veronica." I say, looking at him and hoping I wasn't offending him in anyway.

"I wasn't planning on it. She'll destroy you."

"Good to know."

"Look, Holland, about the kiss, it wasn't-"

"Can we forget it? Like all about it? Trust me I'm not holding in any unknown feelings for you. It never happened."



He nodded. "Always." 

We pulled up at my house after a little while and I hopped out. 

"Hey!" He yelled after me and I jumped. "Wanna hang out tonight, or something?"

I nod my head. "Pick me up at seven." 

Abnormal / / Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now