Chapter Four

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A/N: This is weird because it's at the top. Just wanted to say the Luke's P.O.V. is only going to happen once in awhile and if it is his, I'll say it at the top.

It had been a week since I had spoken to Luke. Making him leave my house was a mistake, but I wasn't going to apologize for telling the truth. I may have been rude, but he was wrong to try and force things out of me. I realize I took it to far, but I won't make the first move to talk to him. 

At first, lunch was back to how it should be. I sat alone, then I would leave halfway through to roam the halls. I went to all my classes everyday. The only person I had talked to was Ashton Irwin, and he just wanted an answer on our math homework. Once in awhile I would spot Luke in the halls, walking with Veronica or his friends. I tried to ignore him when he would look at me. I didn't need pity.

It was lunch time on Wednesday and I was going through what seemed to be the routine. I was walking through the science wing when I heard a russling coming from room B-12. I knew it would be a bad idea to go in, but something in me wouldn't let me stop. I turned the handle and openned it, the noise seemed to diminish. I stepped into the dark room, and no human life seemed to be there. I walked a few steps further in and the light flicked on behind me, exposing a tall boy who I had only met once. 

"Hi, uh, Holland right?" He spoke. I was searching for his name but I couldn't think of it. "Calum, I mean, my name is Calum." 

"Hello Calum, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting something." I saw another pair of legs coming from behind a lab table. He was clearly here with a girl.

"Are you looking for Luke?" 

"No. I'm just looking for a place to hang, I'll go." I gathered my bag and turned around. I walked into the hallway and slammed into someone who was clearly trying to enter to room. My books flew into the air and onto the ground with a crash. "Jesus Christ." I mumble. I look at the boy above me. He was one of the managers, Matt I think.

"Hey Holland, are you okay?" He was kneeling to help me now and I couldn't help but feel flustered. When everything was in my bag I dusted myself off and stood up.

"I'm great."

"That's good, have you seen Luke?"

"No, I haven't."

He smiled. "Good."

I smiled at him back and he offered me an arm. "Do you want to find somewhere to hang out or something?" 

I took his arm and he led me down the hallway and out onto the lawn where everyone hung around. I assumed we were going to sit with his friends, but he took me in the oppisite direction. We sat on a wall looking over everyone else.

"So, Holland, tell me how you like the school so far?"

"Honestly, it's been okay."

"Only okay?"

"It's starting to look a little better." Was I flirting with him? I don't even know how to flirt.

"I'm glad. Do you wanna do something after school? I could bring you to our band practice. I could use the company anyway." I knew agreeing to this would be like stepping into a mine field, but I nod my head yes anyway. "Good, I'll meet you at your locker." He leaned in and sheer panick struck, until her redirected his lips to my cheek. Then I watched him jump off the wall and head back into the building. I didn't even realize the bell had rung. 

Sitting through chemistry class was hell. I could fall asleep just listening to the teacher open the class. Her voice droned on and on about things I knew nothing about and I could already see myself failing this class. Halfway through there was a knock on the door and everyone turned to watch Luke walk in. I looked back at my books quickly scanning the room for where her could sit and of course the only seat was behind me. 

Abnormal / / Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now