14. What is She?

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Normal POV

The Zoldyck estate was as it usually is, eerily quiet and empty, but there was some activity going on. Illumi, the eldest child of Silva and Kikyo Zoldyck, had accepted a mission. Presumably thought to be an easy one. He would just go in, assassinate the target and leave it for the client. The only problem would be the child. Silva informed Illumi that the target, y/n, is always accompanied by a small child. Illumi thought of just killing her but he would not receive any pay for her, so maybe he could lure her away without being seen or just knock her unconscious. Silva informed him that the woman had an immense amount of aura and that she could be dangerous, but the amount of power means nothing if there is no skill.

Illumi POV

As I exited Silva's room, I prepared for the job. If this woman is trained properly with her nen she could prove to be difficult, but she has been seen on many surveillance cameras, so I do not believe she knows that others are hunting her. An ambush would be effective. It's a shame, there are many contracts on her, how has she not seen them? If she does know she certainly doesn't try to hide, but what does she do, or has she done to become so powerful? Maybe she's a hunter or apart of that phantom troupe. I don't know of any other group she could be involved with. Father did speak of them being quite strong, but he said her aura was more powerful than theirs, and they're one of the strongest adversaries he's ever had to fight. So why is he sending me if she's as strong as he thinks she is? Her show of strength in the short footage in Heavens Arena even impressed me, with her "victim" being Hisoka of all people.

"How embarrassing for him." I say to myself. I shall leave at nightfall. Milluki has supplied me with a recorder of sorts, a device that tracks her movement with nearby surveillance cameras and reports back to me with her location every 2.5 minutes. I wonder how he got it to work? Does it track her nen? Nevertheless, it's very impressive, and it would save me time in looking for her. He could be a great assassin if he ever left his chair. As I prepare, another camera picks up her location. It looks as if she's leaving the city, maybe she does know she's being followed. Where's she headed? I have to move quickly.

I finish gathering my gear I believe I'll need and exit the property. I begin running at top speed, if I make it to her in time I could finish the mission before she leaves York New, I'm not sure how far Milluki's surveillance expands. Just then the device pings again with an update. There is a a suspicious person trailing her. An amateur assassin or mercenary in over his head, it's like he's not even trying to conceal himself. Does she really not notice him?

She and the child continue walking until she suddenly turns, heading towards an alley.

So she has noticed him. A nice bluff.

The camera switches and shows her walking all the way to the end of the alley, trapping herself. Why would she do that? I continue running while watching her, she has captured nearly all my attention that I had to slow down in order to keep up with my surroundings. As she reaches the end of the alley she does not face her opponent, the child doesn't even look back. He's saying something to her but I can only partially read his lips, but she doesn't even acknowledge him. She then does something that completely catches me off guard. She places her hand on the wall then proceeds to walk...through it, taking the child with her. I stop running completely and try to evaluate what I've seen, maybe she's a conjurer and created a fake wall or a manipulator and somehow walked through the wall. I activate gyo and watch even closer than I was before, if that's even possible.

"She's not using nen...what is this?" I question. Is she able to completely hide her nen, making it so that even gyo cannot see her? No, that's impossible. So what is it? I'm having a hard time understanding. I continue to watch as the amateur stares in astonishment. I'll admit even I don't know what happened. After a few moments the camera switches again, this time she is at the mouth of the alley.

"Where did she even come from?"

Eerily smiling behind the unknowing assassin, I'm not even sure if he is skilled enough to be called that. With my gyo still activated, I can barely see anything, there is such a faint aura shrouding her and even the child's aura is extremely faint. Are they playing with him? Waiting to be discovered? As I continue watching a trace of her aura does show up but it's not on her, it's coming from...vines?

'She must be a conjurer or more likely a manipulator.'

As I hush my thoughts and save questions for later, I watch as the plants creep closer to the man as he still inspects the wall for an opening. She says something and he quickly turns and throws his knife at her as fast he can. It's shrouded in a small amount of his aura. She does not block it or dodge it, it just...bounces off. This could prove a problem for my needles. Her grin becomes wider as she steps toward him and continues to speak to him. He reaches for another weapon but is halted when the vines bind him. She walks toward him and continues to speak. I can barely understand what they're saying, but at one point I see she asks, "are there anymore of you?", assassins, she must mean. His response is jumbled, probably mixed with excuses and pleads to let him go. Meanwhile the child stands at the end of the alley, with her back turned, paying no mind to the interrogation.

'She must have gotten bored. Do they do this often?'

Y/n keeps talking as she steps closer to the assassin, she then stops and her face turns into a disgusted scowl.

"Must have said something she didn't like." I mention.

She waves her hand and the vines begin to rise, bringing the quivering mercenary with them. Setting him on his feet. She says one last thing, and turns, walking away from him. The vines disperse and he is set free.

"She doesn't kill?"

I spoke too soon, a single vine slithers it's way behind the unsuspecting man and it wraps around his neck. It quickly drags him as he thrashes and kicks to set himself free. His hands reach up to pull the wretched thing off his neck, but it was a useless attempt. It raises him into the air quickly and whips itself down just as fast, effectively snapping his neck. A clean kill. The vine then let's go of him dropping his limp body to the ground. His body begins to sink into the ground as y/n did with the wall, hiding his body. So she is skilled in nen, so much so that I couldn't see it other than on the vines. This has to be nen, what else could it be? She then walks out of the alley, but not before managing to send a chill up my spine. She turns to the camera and waves. I quickly put the device away.

'Did she know I was watching? Or was that a threat to anyone who was surveying her? It has to be just a threat. So why did it feel like she was directing it straight at me? And why did it...disturb me? It made me feel, helpless. I clear my head and begin running again.

"I will complete this mission."


Goodness gracious, that was the third person today. Why are all of these people after us? Each time, their boss was different as well, two treasure hunters and this last one was a scientist, named Hoten. What do they want from me? Plus all these attacks are making Canary uncomfortable. I don't want her to get used to it either. We just need to make it to Meteor City and hopefully, this will be over.

Mother Nature (Chrollo x reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt