7. Time passes

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Another day

Another night

I've been in this hell hole for 6 fucking years

I think I'm 16 now. Has it really been that long? I don't even have tears to shed anymore. I just need to get out. I want to go back to them. I miss my family.

I'm stuck here in this disgusting sex factory. It's endless, more and more of these horrendous customers. IT JUST WONT STOP. They keep coming and I'm still here. A couple thousand jenny gets them a night with the "best seller", me, I'm tired and broken. I'm always sick and that sadistic boss barely lets me rest. There's nothing left of me they've already taken it all away. My body, my freedom, my life, the outside. I want to see it again. The trees, the sun, feel the wind in my hair. I want to see them again. I want to see Chrollo. I don't even try to escape anymore due to the beatings. The last time I tried to escape they set my price as "free" for 18 hours. Man after man came through that door because of my steeply discounted price tag. It was the worst day of my life so far. So many of them. It still replays in my head driving me to insanity.

Even still after all this time the demand for child "companions" hasn't gone down. Dozens of kids are brought through these doors every day, from all over. They're chained up, and beaten so they would be too afraid to fight back. I'm sick of this. I want to live.


The sun rises. Chrollo is the first to wake as usual, but something feels...off. He looks around the church. Y/N isn't here.

Maybe she went to watch the sunrise. She always likes those.

Chrollo gets up from his spot, careful not to wake anyone just yet, goodness knows it's not a good idea to wake Feitan this early. Chrollo makes his way out of the church to your usual spot that you like to admire the scenery from.

"Hmmm, she's not there. If she's not in the church or out here she must be....?" Chrollo thinks aloud. He's broken from his thoughts as Machi speaks from behind him.

"Hey Chrollo, what are you doing out here so early?"

"Morning Machi, I was just looking for Y/N have you seen her around?"

"I was wondering the same. I thought she was watching the sunrise with you lover boy."

Chrollo glances over the area, his eyebrows furrowing while his mind wracked, something's wrong. You wouldn't just leave. Would you? Of course not, there was no reason to. He begins to panic.

"Wake everyone right now. We need to start looking for her."

"Got it." Machi walks over to Uvos' sleeping form, resembling a bear skin rug, jumping on top of him to wake him. He sits up with a yawn before Machi quickly begins waking everyone else.

"What's going on. It's not even noon" Uvo stretches. Unhappy with his sleeping schedule being ruined.

Chrollo quickly walks over to the others after they've all been rustled from their sleep. A slight panicked look resting on his facial features.

"Everyone, Y/N's missing we need to find her. Now."

Chrollo looked disheveled with sweat dripping down his brow, already fearing the worst but not acknowledging it. You had to be around here somewhere he knew you wouldn't just leave but he hoped that you weren't taken.

Machi and Pakunoda looked near your old residence and in buildings while Nobunaga, Franklin and Uvogin asked around. Chrollo, Feitan and Phinks looked in every tree, bush, and foliage that you could've been in but before they knew it...the sun was setting. A signal that meant to return to safety. It was time to meet back up at the church. Their search ending fruitless.

Nobunaga was the first to speak, "No ones seen her anywhere it seems as if they just found out about her disappearance as well. Some even contributed to the search."

Feitan then said something that made everyone's blood run cold, even though it was the possibility in the back of all of their minds. "It's most likely that she was taken by them."

It was silent for a moment. Everyone trying to come up with a rational statement as to why and how you could've ended up in their hands.

"But why would she leave in the middle of the night knowing what's out there?" Machi spoke up, a worried expression on her usually emotionless face.

Phinks gave his input, "Do you think she was taken while she was sleeping?" He was nervous and biting his nails as he and Y/N were close and almost had a sibling type relationship.

"That's not likely. She would've been thrashing about, it should've woken one of us," Pakunoda inserted trying to remain calm as she thought of one of the most joyful and positive members of their group being taken, "but if that was the case why did they only take her? They should've grabbed us all other than Nobu and Uvo."

" Chrollo, what do we do?" Machi asked.

For once Chrollo didn't have a plan. Tears were threatening to leak from his eyes. He didn't know what to do. What could he do? No one knows what these kidnappers look like. No one even really knows what happens to the children that they take. They just disappear never to be seen or heard from again. Y/N meant so much to him, her positive attitude and demeanor was the only thing that still kept him happy and somewhat sane.

"I-I d-don't know but we won't stop searching. No matter how long it takes."


Well it takes a pretty long time. Sorry reader maybe they'll find you eventually. 😬 next update up soon!

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