6. Taken

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                        *Time Skip of 4 years*
3rd POV

It's been 4 years. The best 4 years of your life. You were glad you took that chance. The chance that changed your life for the better. If you hadn't you probably would've still been wallowing in your own filth or maybe even dead. You were finally free of your mother, and since you've been sharing your time with other people your age the voice seemed to disappear. You were actually pretty thankful for the voice. If it hadn't told you to go you probably still would've been in the shack. The sun was shining while you sat on a rock. The dirt on the bottom of your feet, in between your toes and under your toenails. The sparse trees in the distance and dry patches of grass. It wasn't necessarily beautiful, but to you it was magnificent. The way that nature continues to survive and go on with time. It was amazing. The way that something could grow with just the sun and water and turn into food and essentially give life to things was absolutely mesmerizing. You've always been enticed by the forces of nature. It was so strong it could level an entire city, but so delicate that the slightest breeze could barely blow a leaf.


Chrollo let you borrow one of his books a little while back, along with teaching you how to read. It was a book on the forces of nature and the mother behind it all. You had always wondered who she was, what was her name, and how she created this beautiful world you've barely seen. Mother Nature they called her. The story described her as one of the most beautiful and caring souls that could not be seen by the human eye, but could also be a devastating and destructive force when she needed to be. She kept the balance of the world. Y/N wished she had her as a mother instead. In a way she is, keeps her fed with growing food and warm with fire wood from trees. Mother Nature has given her everything she needed. For that Y/N was eternally grateful.

Little did you know Mother Nature had been watching you. You've already spoken to her before, and she had a gift for you. You were one of the purest souls that has touched her earth in a millennia, but she didn't think you were ready. You will be tested in a short while to see if you will be able to withstand her tremendous power.

"Y/N." Chrollo calls from behind you. He was a little taller now. His silky, black hair reaching his shoulders. Skin still pale, even though you guys were constantly in the sun, and eyes holding the innocent joy of a child.....for now at least. He was one year older than you and ever since you agreed to go with him you've stayed by his side along with Feitan and a few others. They've been like a family to you and you cared for them very much.

"Hey Chrollo." You wave and beam a bright smile to him.

"Guess what!"

He seems pretty excited about something. He must have found another book.

"Hmmm what could it be....?" You droned on, scratching the top of your head greatly exaggerating your thinking process.

"ITS ANOTHER BOOK!!" He yells not being able to hold back his excitement.

Haha knew it

"What's this one about?" You ask curious about a new addition to his wide collection.

" I haven't read it yet. It's called Hamlet written by Shakespeare, but I hope it's another tragedy he's great at writing those." The goofy smile on his face makes Y/N giggle. It's always nice to see Chrollo so happy when he finds a new story.

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