5. Encounter

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The sun. It's setting.

It's almost time. Ugh I feel sick

Calm down Y/N. Everything will be fine. Get ready it's almost time to head out.

"Ok I can do this"

     *Time Skip*

Are you ready?

"I think, I'm scared."

It's okay just take that first step.

I look out of the hole in the wall. I don't see the man. He must have went inside for the night. 'Now or or never I guess.'

I walk towards the door handle my hands are sweating and my lips are quivering.

'Come on Y/N you can do this.'

I reach for the door knob and open it, I look around. No point in doing that it's pitch black. There are no street lights in Meteor City, only the moonlight.
I take my shaky steps to the old mans plot of land.

Why are you so nervous? It's dark he won't even be able to see you.

"Because taking is wrong. Mama really didn't like when I took food without asking first."

Your mother doesn't like anything you do.

"I know but...other people probably won't like it either"

I'm almost there I'm so close I can almost see all the fruits and vegetables. Im breathing so hard the man can probably hear me.

There they are. It's amazing. I can see carrots and lettuce, including broccoli, strawberries and a bunch of different peppers.

"Which one do I take?"

Take them all

"What?!? No!"


"I can't the man will notice!!!" I whisper quite loudly.

What do I do?!? What do I do?!?

"Who are you talking to?"

I spin my head around so quick I almost break my own neck.

Stay calm

"Who are you?!?" I whisper in a panic, a little too loudly. Sweat heavy on my forehead.

I said calm

"You should stay quiet. That man is hard of hearing but if you keep talking like that you'll wake him."

This boy. This boy is talking to me. Where did he come from? I didn't even hear him. He looks the same age as me. He has black hair, pale skin, and big dark eyes. I can just barely make him out in the darkness.

"Wh-who are you?" I ask. He's just staring at me. I should run back home.

"Are you taking food? If you are leave some strawberries and peppers, they're me and my friends' favorites." Another boy steps from behind him. He's rather short and it looks like he has the same color hair and eyes.

I didn't even notice him.

"Who are you people?"

"Who are you?" The small one asks. My heart is racing and I feel the need to gasp for air. Who are they? They keep avoiding my question. I've never seen or heard other kids from my hut.

"My name is Y/N. I-I just wanted one thing so y-you guys can take the rest."

"Well, Y/N just take what you need it's not like that old hag will notice. Besides it will just grow back." The small boy says.
The pale boy is just looking at me. It's making me nervous.
"Where did you come from Y/N? We've never seen you before." Asks the pale boy as the small one starts grabbing whatever may soothe his appetite.
"I l-live over there." I point to the small shack. The boys share a look that you don't quite understand.
"Y/N do you want to come with us? You can meet the rest of my friends. I think you might like them. " The pale boy waits for my answer with a small smile.

Should I? I don't even know their names. I don't think mother would like this.

Go with them Y/N. Please stop thinking of you mother. She isn't coming back. Do you even want to be there if she happens to return?

The voice is right. I don't want to go back. I want to go with them.

After a moments notice Y/N nods and confirms she'll go with them.

"Great, just grab whatever you want then when you're ready we can go. By the way this is Feitan and I'm Chrollo."

Mother Nature (Chrollo x reader) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora