Final Ending

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Jack POV

After a few days of no changes, we finally were able to reach the Ice Palace. The giant piece of ice loomed infront of the ship, and I ran below deck to the sick bay.

"We are here! Where's Elsa?" I demanded. Erin hung her head.

"E...Elsa... didn't make it..." she answered. I stood, in shock.

"Sh...she... NO! ELSA HAS TO BE ALIVE! SHE HAS TO BE! She has to be." My voice had dropped to a whisper.I started trembling, my hands shaking so uncontrolably that I dropped the ring I held. No. Not now!

"Where... Where is she?" Erin looped my arm around her neck as she led me to Elsa's old room. Elsa lay there, looking peaceful. I almost smiled. I fell to my knees next to the bed, and ran my hand over her platinum blonde hair. 

"Elsa. Come back to me." I said softly, burying my face in her shoulder. I felt the cold smoothness of her skin, meeting with the warm saltyness of my tears. 

"Jack..." the nurse said behind me. "I'm sorry." I slowly lifted mmy head, my eyes flashing. 

"He did this." I stormed out, grabbing a knife from Elsa's bedside table.

In minutes I stood before Hans. "You killed my love. Prepare to die." His eyes widened, then went slack as my knife slid through his throat. 

I made my way back to the deck, where we were preparing to dock. I nodded my approval to North and then ran below deck to get Elsa's body. There was one last thing I could do.

I gripped her body, carrying her bridal style. I ran down to the icey ground below. Being gifted with ice, it didn't effect me. I ran up the steps of the palace, and next the the giant fountain in the foyer.

I recalled the directions the old witch gave me.

Go to the ice palace, and when you reach the fountain you must drink from the icey waters. Only then will your wish be granted, though sometimes your wish isn't the same as the fountain grants. The fountain grants your deepest wish.

I knew my deepest wish was to be reunited with my beloved.

I made an ice cup and got some water from the fountain, and gently dribbled it in Elsa's mouth. After a few minutes, nothing happened. Her skin was still the cold of death.

I brought the cup to my own lips and drank, repeating in my mind 'reunite Elsa and I.'

The last thing I remember was blacking out.

I woke up with Elsa hanging over my face. She was dressed in a white gown, and I was dressed in a white suit.

"Wh...where am I?" I asked.

She replied with: "Welcome to Elysium, Frosty."

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