Undersea Bloodhound

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Elsa POV

I looked at Jack and realized he wasn;t too bad after all. He did seem to care. I smiled at him and almost hugged him again. He really did kind of look cute with the soft look on him. ELSA! I screeched at myself mentally, telling myself not to fall for the enemy.

"So, erm... do you want to go get your dinner? I can show you to the dining hall. If you would like I mean. I can always have he food delivered to your room." He said hastily.

"I think food ywould be great right now." I smiled and let him lead me to the food.

Anna POV

I got off the boat. Nicoli, or something, and ran back to the Aren. Soon I was back, panting.

"Anna! What's wrong?" I heard Ari yell.

"We have to find Elsa! Jack took her!" There were gasps, and Ari nodded once, knowing what to do. She was a special person. She could change into a mermaid. She dove into the water after the Spirit, a long ways off. She swam and soon was next to the ship, floating next to it, keeping tabs.

I went to the wheel and started steering it away from the docks. The people and supplies were already back. Some people went under the deck and started to put the provisions away. Others stayed on board, ready to take my commands. I was the only one capable of being a captain in Elsas place. I just hope nothing is happening to her on the ship.

Elsa POV

I dug into the hot chicken breast set in front of me. Jack looked at me and I ate more. He chuckled and I grinned.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just I never thought you would be the type to eat that much in that amount of time." he smirked. It was true. The chicken was eaten in five minutes and the chocolate piece was being savoured. I loved chocolate, and Anna and I always went for the chocolate on land. 

I stood up and brushed off my skirt. "Couldn't you have at least let me grab a few clothes frist?" I joked.

"Sorry, we can dock in a few hours, there is another dock a few leagues from here and we should reach it by sundown. Besides, we didn't get any provisions. We need to stock up." I smiled, and nodded. I hugged him. I then realized what I did and jerked back.

"Erm... sorry... I didn't realize..." i apologized. 

"It's fine. I don;t care." He smirked at me, earning himself a glare. 

"I'm going back to my cabin." I said and walked away from him. A few minutes later, I made a wrong turn or something as Tooth grabbed me.

"See now? Jack isn't here to help you. And if you cry out I will slit your throat." She held up an ornate knife and waved it in my face. I smirked. "What? You aren't afraid? You should be. I know how to gut a man in five minutes." I laughed a little then.

"No, I'm not afraid of a little pin. Seriously, get a sword. And by the way, I can stop you cold." I smirked with my pun.

"Follow me."

"Don't think so."


"Try me."

"Fine." And with that, Tooth went to plunge the dagger into my gut. I froze her arm in place though. "What? But... Jack is the only..." 

"Yeah yeah. I know. He isn't. He is the only one. I am too."

"Fine. Just makes it harder to kill you, but I will find a way." and she turned on her heel and left, her arm still frozen. I liked it that way. She would have to do a lot to get it unfrozen. Or just go to Jack. Then he would find out what she tried to do. The mutinous traitor.

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