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Jack POV

I tried to grab Elsa out of the way, but the beam fell. I screamed and yanked the wood off of her, but blood was flowing freely from a gash in her head. I looked upand saw a retreating back. "No way. Not now." I said and ran up the deck. I shot a blast of ice at the figure and its feet froze.

"Why do you care so much for the enemy's captain? Don't tell me you have feelings for her?" he taunted. I gripped a long staff and ran at him, but his feet nat unfrozen due to the heat. I curcled him. No way would he get under my skin.

"Who are you and why are you on my ship?" I asked in a demanding voice. Good, it didn't betray the hurt and worry I was trying to desperately conceal. 

"I am Hans. Hans of the ship Isles. At your service. I was sent to kill the snow witch and I did just that. Now leave me be."

"I. Don't. Think. So." I sad and ran at him, staff raised to swing down when ice erupted from teh tip, throwing both of us backwards. Huh, so my power is concentrated with the staff. Okay. I leveled my staff at him and shot again, but he dodged. Uggh, not another idiot who is impossible to pin down. I smirked a little at the thought of when I was chasing Elsa, for an entirely different reason than I am now.

My face fell when I realized Hans had a knife and was aiming at me. I side-stepped and the knife embedded itself into the mast behind me, catching the top of my ear. I reached up and touched the wound and saw blood. My hand fell infront of my face and my mind blanked. I spun, grabbed the knife and threw it, my mind in a blind rage. 

I grabbed a knife from my arm holster and threw it blindly too, encouraged when the first knife hit the guy's leg. Him injuring me was the last straw.

He was going down for hurting Elsa. I saw out of the corner of my eye North getting the mast off of her and taking her to the sick bay.  The second knife wound its way into his arm on the opposite side. I ran up to him and grabbed a random rope and tied his arms. 

"Shut up and listen. You hurt Elsa and you are going to pay for this." I said and kicked him where it hurts most and punched his jaw. "No talking, and if you cry out, I swear I will kill you on the spot for being loud. God, you are annoying." I don't know what came over me, but my carefree attitude was gone and was replaced with a crazy psychopath. I yanked him up and dragged him to the brig where I shoved him in a cell. I reached down and yanked out the two knives before turning and locking the door, the guy's blood staining the blades and floor.

"Don't bleed out. Erika!" I shouted, getting a girl under the deck. The brunette rushed down and cried out at the sight of the blood. "Make sure he doesn't bleed out. Get Aster to come down with you. Make sure the idiot's alive. I need him to... nevermind. Not important, just keep him alive. A few stiches are good." I said while walking up the stairs. 

Hans cried out. "Shut UP or I will lodge a dagger into your heart!" I bellowed then went to the sick bay.

"Elsa!" I cried when i saw her and rushed to her. She had a bandage on her head and I saw blood still seeping out. Her leg must have gotten caught for it was broken and had bandages all up to her knee. Her pinky finger on her right hand was knocked out of place and she had scratches all over the skin I could see and through the ripped cotton. Hans really did a number on her.

"She will be fine, hopefully, but she is in a coma right now." a voice said behind me. The head nurse, Erin. I hung my head and turned, my white hair facing the brown-haired nurse. 

"When will she wake up?" I asked, all my strength and resolve gone. I felt the crazy alter-ego leave me to a defeated lump of sullen humanity. 

"I don't know. She should wake up sooner if she is on land." I looked up at her, a light in my eyes.

"Then let's get her to the ice palace. That is where she wanted to go and maybe ahe will wake up in a place of ancient magic." Erin nodded slowly.

"Yes, but it will still take many days to get to the palace. She might not last that long."

"Then we go faster, double time. Tell the crew we are charting a course to the Ice Palace and we need to get there fast." Erin nodded and mumbled under her breath. "What was that?" I demanded.

"Uh, I just said that it still might not work." 

"Then we will make it work." I felt tears run down my face. "She needs to live. She needs to wake up."  Erin looked at me startled.

"You love her, don't you? You truly love her." I nodded and she smiled. "Good, you found someone to love. Now I will try all I can to get her to wake up. You need love in your life." My turn to look startled. 

"Wha..." I didn't get to finish my sentance before Erin was rushing me out of the room and telling me to get sleep.

"She will wake up soon, and I promise that if you get us to the Ice Palace I will revive her." I nodded and ran up to the deck and started shouting orders. 

We were going to save the love of my life.

Jelsa and the Seven SeasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon