"Help yourself. You'll take them and leave us all behind. Why should we trust you?"

"No, we won't have to. I'll go with him, and if he tries anything, I'll shoot him in the face." Astrid laughed at this, only to receive a small smile for David and a wink from Hook.

"Quite hostile, aren't we?" Hook smirked at him and Astrid.

"Just being clear."

"I'll take Regina to slow down the diamond, give you guys time. Mary Margaret, take Henry and Astrid, and gather everyone. Make sure they're ready to go as soon as we have those beans."

"No, I can help you guys. I'm very capable of helping out. Please don't underestimate me." Astrid spoke, only to earn a glare from Killian and a nod from Regina and Emma.

"Henry, before you go, I'm sorry for what's happened. I tried to be the person that you wanted me to be and I failed. But I won't let you be alone. You just know that I love you." Astrid teared up at.

"I love you, too." They embrace, and then they go their separate ways.

"The things we do for our children..." Killian rounded off, only to earn a small jab from his spitfire a she walked past. He just laughed in response.

"I can feel it. It's like the oxygen's being sucked out of the air." Astrid nodded, already feeling like the magic is going, it's like it's being stripped away from her surroundings. It felt really strange really.

"Not the oxygen. The magic." They arrive at the trigger. "There it is. Once it stops glowing, it's destruction is achieved. And then... Well, then we'll see the real carnage. I'll try to contain its energy as long as I can."

"Won't be long. We'll have the beans soon. We can get the hell out of here."

"Slowing the device... It's going to require all of the strength I have." Regina said solemnly.

"You're not coming with us, are you? When you said good-bye to Henry, you were... saying good-bye." Astrid spoke, earning a sad look from the dark haired female.

"He knows I love him, doesn't he?" Astrid nodded, she new that that little boy loved Regina with his whole heart. Their love was powerful, it was like her love for her family, unbreakable and strong.

"Regina, no. There has gotta be another way!" Emma shouted, she didn't want to see her son's mother to die either.

"You were right, you know. Everything that's happening, it's my fault. I created this device. It's only fitting that it takes my life." Regina cried out.

"What am I supposed to tell Henry?"

"Tell him that in the end, it wasn't too late for me to do the right thing."

"No Regina. Please don't" Astrid cried slightly.

"Everyone looks at me as the , including my son. Let me die as Regina." Emma and Astrid begin to exit, but then Astrid turns around for a final plea.

"Regina—" Regina ignores her, and has already begun slowing the trigger.

"I'm helping, Emma tell everyone that I'll see them soon. But if I die, I'll be back as a full Tribid, so get some blood for me, 'kay?" Emma smiled at her and nodded, running off to her family to help. Astrid walked up to Regina and put her hand over Regina's, earning a grateful look from the women. She began muttering in Latin, allowing Regina to calm down a small amount. She knew that the girl's power in front of her was very strong. Probably one of the strongest she has had ever felt.

The two of them had slowed down the tigger, but it took a lot of energy to do so, they were both in this together. Regina noticed people coming towards them, "What are you doing here?"

"You were willing to die to save us, even if one of you is able to come back. That makes you a hero. Now we're gonna be heroes." Henry the optimist spoke.

"They're gonna open up a portal, throw this thing into a void." One of the charmings spoke, Astrid couldn't tell which one was which.

"No. You don't know that it'll work."

"We have to try." Mary Margaret spoke.

"Everybody, step aside. Emma?" 

Emma Pulls out the pouch containing the bean, opens it up, and finds nothing. "It's empty. Hook." Astrid snorted, that man was always one for betrayal, she was quite hurt.

"I can't contain this much longer." Astrid and Regina spoke out, their faces contorted in pain.

Emma walked over to some of her family and cried with them. They finally heard her call them 'mum and dad', their small amount with their daughter was going to end. They were going to die, and nothing could be done.

"I love you, Henry. I only wish I was strong enough to stop all this. I'm just not." Regina spoke to her son.

"Wait, I have an idea. Aunt Freya was talking about a girl contactin her ancestors, I know my grandmother and aunt were Evil, but their afterlife may have changed them. Grandmother, Aunt, hear my words, hear my beg. Please come forth and help, we need it, I need to save my loved ones."

Two figures entered the area, holding hands. They were young and beautiful, "My sweet girl, I have wronged our family so many times that I will not hurt us anymore." The three of them joined hands and surrounded the trigger. They chanted, their magic surrounding it. After a few moments of chanting, the trigger disappeared. Astrid let out a sigh of relief, hearing a "Goodbye little one." From her Grandmother, and her hands fell to her sides.

She was hugged by her family, they all were safe and alive. Their love protected them, kept them save. 

Astrid blanked out for a few moments, only to be shaken by David telling her that Henry had disappeared. They ran out to the docks. The people around her were talking but she wasn't listening, she was only 'awake' when Killian came over. She ran to him, taking him by surprise, and hugged him. She stayed in his arms, listening to his heartbeat and to his husky voice. She felt safe in his arms.

He brought her onto his ship, hugging her into the side of him, talking to Rumple. She was that exhausted, that she fell asleep in his arms. Only hearing a word 'Neverland'

Storybrooke's Mikaelson - Killian Jones (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now