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[4] The Journey

[4] The Journey

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"God, what time is it...?" Josephine asked groaning as she gazed at the alarm clock. It was 9 p.m. Yeah, she can sleep a little more.

She was almost drifting off again, but another annoying sound broke her sleep off.

"Mother fucking fucker!" She screamed loudly at not being able to get her beauty sleep. She looked at the bed-side table to see her phone ringing this time.

Picking it up and squinting her eyes at the caller ID, she cursed under her breath. It was Shaelynn. Seriously, what now?


"Where the hell are you, Josephine?!" Shaelynn's high-pitched voice literally made her deaf, especially now as she was still sleepy.

"What the hell, Shaelynn? Why are you screaming?!"

"Oh my god, were you actually sleeping?"

"Why...? What's going on....?" She asked closing her eyes, almost drifting off to sleep again, but obviously wasn't successful as Shaelynn started yelling.

"Holy shit, you actually forgot?!" Josephine rubbed a hand on her temple, trying to remember what the hell was today, but nothing came to her.

She heard Halsa's faint voice in the background saying something along the lines of 'Where is she now?'.

"Can you, like, please get to the point already, Shaelynn? I am sleepy as fuck."

"Our flight is in two hours, you dumbass!" It felt like somebody had just thrown icy water on her as soon as she heard those words.

"Oh no, we are flying to Italy tonight!"

"Took you long enough to figure that out, genius. Now hurry up before we miss it."

"Okay okay, I get it!" Quickly hanging up, she jumped out of the bed and stripped out of her clothes. She looked at her chair to see her outfit nicely folded. Thank god she packed everything before she went to sleep. She washed her face and brushed her teeth before moving onto her clothes.

She wore a dark brown turtle-neck tee shirt paired with some black jeans and a black over-sized trench coat. She combed her hair and left it open, applied her hot-pink lipstick and she was ready.

She took her medium sized suitcase and a handbag before she rushed out of her apartment and took a taxi.

The ride to the airport was about fifteen minutes. She paid the driver, ran inside the airport and did all the necessities.

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