16 - It's Like Magic

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"You know I'd never stop you from chasing your happiness. I just don't want to go along with it just yet because if it ends badly, I'll look like a dickhead."

"You always do," Louis rolled his eyes.

"No he doesn't!" Zayn quickly interjected, sticking up for his love and getting cosy in Liam's arm.

They had discussed with Louis whether he felt comfortable with them two getting cosy in front of him, kissing and acting like a loved up couple. After all, Louis had experienced enough heart break in his lifetime and he shouldn't needed to be reminded of how happy his friends were everyday. He was just glad that his friends were concerned enough to mention it, to put his feelings first that he just couldn't tell them to stop. They were allowed to act however they wanted to, they didn't need to put anything aside.

After all, it wasn't Louis's fault that he hadn't been able to get Harry for himself.

"We're always here Lou," Liam spoke up again, not tearing his eyes off Zayn but you could hear the ring of sincerity in his voice that was loud and clear. "Whether you're happy, sad or a moany pathetic drunk-- we're your best friends through it all."

Louis felt grateful, felt warm inside as he jumped up and hugged them two in a three way hug no matter how stuffy and uncomfortable it was. He had the best friends he could ask for and he never managed to tell them exactly how much they meant to him. Louis wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for them and that was saying something. They kept Louis on the ground, kept his head up high.

"Thank you," Louis muttered in Zayn's side before pulling away and ruffling up his hair. "Since you declare that you're always here for me, come and help me get prepared for the biggest night of my life you bastards."

The next few hours were spent in Louis's bedroom, getting everything prepared and making him look perfect. Louis was so grateful for having two best friends who knew exactly what style was and how to make him look dashing for the night. They decided on a casual yet sexy look, something that wasn't too out there but yet something that was going to make Harry's jaw drop. Tonight had to go perfect from every angle and that included Louis looking top notch.

They ended up going with a white shirt, a black blazer and some tight skinny jeans because Louis always wore his jeans no matter what. To add the slight casual look, Liam picked out his favourite black vans and paired it off with the outfit. For the hair, they did a little cinnamon roll fringe look that was Inexplainable but Louis loved it.

"I'm definitely going to have to go this more often, what the fuck," he muttered in disbelief, in love with his new hair style as he tried to look it at more closer. "It's so pretty."

Zayn chuckled, shaking his head. He was the one who did the hairstyles, knowing exactly what would suit him and what looked good on him. This was just a hairstyle that Louis should've tried out a long time ago.

"You look handsome," Liam complimented whilst giving Louis one final look and smiling.

Louis blushed a light pink, fluttering his eyelashes as a joke before giggling. "Thank you Liam, you don't look too bad yourself."

Harry and Louis had decided to meet at the restaurant since Harry didn't want to Louis picking him in case Dalton would catch them two. It was pathetic that they had to hide because Louis was looking forward to being the perfect boyfriend on a date, picking up the girl from the house and driving her to the place but it didn't matter. As long as he managed to get Harry for the rest of the night, all to himself-- that's all that mattered.

Zayn gave Louis a few tips on how to make a complete fool of yourself, how to treat Harry on the first date and how to not appear as pushy. Louis had a habit of forcing his opinions on other people and he didn't want Harry getting annoyed at him from the first day. He wanted this to be the start of many dates to come. Liam simply fixed Louis's hair when a strand went out of place, pulling on his shirt and making him look spotless from head to toe. They gave him a cup of tea to calm him down, get him prepared for the huge night before they all got into a car and drove Louis to the restaurant.

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