-tumblr aesthetic.

100 2 0


tittle; tumblr aesthetic

author; jiminsfw

words; 8000+


Smiling at him until his eyes turn into these cute little crescents, Jimin waves him inside and Jeongguk kicks off his shoes, leaves them near the door while Jimin closes it.

“I’m surprised you came, Gguk.”

Jeongguk shrugs and flops down on the couch he’s more than familiar with, eyeing the enticing curve of Jimin’s ass from the older man’s tight shorts and the small sliver of smooth skin that peaks out of the gap between his socks and the hem of his shorts.

There’s no denying what he’s here for. Jimin can act as coy as he wants but Jeongguk knows. It’s what they always do— or rather, it’s all they ever do. Their relationships isn’t one based on conventional foundations, after all. It’s a give and take, a mutual greed that somehow cancels out.



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