-with you, i don't need to see.

203 3 0


tittle; with you, i don't need to see

author; vlossoms

words; 8000+


Tripping over something on the steps into the music building is not how Jimin wanted his day to start, but such is life he guesses. He hasn't tripped on something on his way to class since the first day, everyone knowing by now that he needs a clear path. Jimin isn't sure what is different, why suddenly there's something impeding his distinct lack of sight, until he feels a hand grab his arm to steady him.


Reaching out a hand in the direction he hopes the other is standing in, he beams brightly. "I'm Park Jimin, and I figured you were because I take the same path everyday. Never had someone to trip over before, other people don't want to get in the way of the blind kid."

He hears the stranger choke, and fights the urge to laugh, with his hand still outstretched. "Aren't you going to shake my hand? Or am I facing the wrong direction again?" Jimin pouts.



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