-come back when you can.

150 3 0


tittle; come back when you can

author; haromame

chapters; 6/6

words; 66000+


Jimin and Jungkook have everything they needed to be the perfect soulmates—they love each other with a passion, they trust each other like no other. Jimin remembers everything about Jungkook, who would do anything for him on a whim.

The only thing they don't have is courage. That's when nature really strikes its course.

As the ground shakes and the sky roars, it all comes back to haunt them both.

Things left unsaid, deeds left undone, and a love left undefined. Jimin searches for the one person he should have held on to tightly, the one who always waits, the one he wants, but Jungkook is nowhere close.

Jungkook finds his way home—to Jimin.



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