Chapter 18- final fight, molly and jack vs mike

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Mike laughs and said "you bastards don't get it do you? You will die fighting me"! Molly said "so what you killed our friends you asshole"! Mike said "they can be replaced but your life can't". Jack got off the ground and said "we're gonna kick your ass"! Jack brings out black shadow. He charges at mike and mike said "Mountain Q! Time eclipse"! Time jumped to the eclipse time. Everything was so dim and jack looks around. Jack said "dammit what the hell"! Molly said "jack focus on the fight don't worry about the eclipse"! Mike came out of know where and hit Jack so hard that he went through the wall. Molly said "JACK"! Jack gets up and walks back through the door and said "I'll be fine. Let's kick this sorry son of a bitch's ass alright". She smiles and said "alright babe". He charges at them at full speed and jack said "black shadow! Sword of darkness"! Then black shadow pulled out a sword and started fight mike. Then before jack could realize what was going on he got hit again. Jack thought "dammit, I'll have to take sword of darkness to the next level". Jack said "sword of darkness act 2"! The sword grew 6 inches and had side blades on it. He charges at mike and they start to clash again. Then Molly said "prom queen! Pants of glory"! She took a a pair of pants and turned it into a sword. She then attacked mike. Mike was deflecting all there attack's. Then mike said "friend or foe"! But the IF's kept fight against mike. Mike said "friend or foe dammit"! Nothing happened and then he slammed jack and Molly to the ground hard. Molly looks over at jack and nodded, jack nodded to. Then jack got up and said "sword of darkness"! And then Molly said "pants of glory"! They then combined there swords To create a new ability. They said "pants of darkness! Level 2.5"! It turned into a 6 pointed Trident with the points point in word. Then they said "the Big Bang"! They shot the points at mike and Mountain Q. The impacted and nothing happened. He laughs and charges at them at full force. All of a sudden there bodies was being sucking inside a black hole and then exploded. Jack said "that was badass"! Molly smiles and nodded. They got up and jack said "this is great we won"! Molly laughs and said "hell yeah we are the best couple and a pretty bad ass team"! Jack said "yeah we are". Then they left the school, but after mikes defeat there friends came back to life. They all went out to pizza and told stories about their deaths. Then the went home for another day till another IF attack happens!

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