Chapter 9-molly vs alisha

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Molly got to the arena and meet her enemy Alisha on the other side of the battle field. Jack and them was watching the fight on a tv in the waiting room. Then Alisha looks at Molly and said "so I get to fight a killarc? This is gonna be so much fun". Molly said "yeah I'm a killarc and I'm gonna kick your ass"! Alisha laughs and said "I kicked every killarc's ass up to this point and I'm gonna kick yours to"! Molly laughs and then went from a smile to a grin, she said "how the hell did you know I was a killarc"?! She said "I can tell". Molly said "we'll you have one hell of a guess". Alisha said "I lied I used my IF's ability prediction. It tells me who you are and your IF". Molly thought "dammit". Mean while back in the waiting room Jack heard Molly's last name. Jack looks down slightly and Galvin looks at jack and said "dude you ok"? Jack said "did I hear that last name right"?! Galvin said "you mean, Molly's last name? Yeah she's a killarc". Jack had a sigh to his face and said "I hate killarcs". Diamond said "what! You can't hate them"! Jack said "yes I can, they killed my parents". Galvin looks at jack and then the rest of the crew. They just stand there watching the fight on the tv. Then Molly said "dammit this is intense battle! I didn't thing she was gonna be this strong". Alisha said "curvy shapes! Loop hole"! The IF warped it's self into a circle and then spun. As it spun it grew spikes on the side. Then Molly said "prom queen! Plentiful spear"! The IF made a spear out of a part of panties and got the IF in the center. As it spun on the spear she pulled back and through the spear at Alisha. The spear hit directly in the chest launching her into a tree. Then her stand curvy shapes kept spinning and decapitated her. Then Molly started to walk back and the principal said "the battle between Molly and Alisha has concluded and Molly is the winner". Molly walks back in and walks over to jack but jack pulls out black shadow. Jack said "black shadow! Universal flame"! He hit Molly and she went flying back and hit the wall. When she hit the wall the wall bursted into flame. Molly looks up and said "why? Why would you do this jack".

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