Chapter 2- few years later

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Jack and molly was in high school and they was in math class. Then there was a beep and the principal was giving an announcement. The principal said "well everyone who is in clubs come on down to the cafeteria. There is a meeting for all clubs". Molly looks at jack and said "dam why do they keep having these meetings"? Jack smiles and said "you know what is funny"? Molly said "what's that"? Jack looks at her and says "well think about it, they are having a meeting at 2:30 in the afternoon. It doesn't make any since. They normally have meeting like that after school". Molly sat there for a minute and then said "you know what, your right". Jack said "I know I am, something seems off". Molly nods and they got up and headed to the cafeteria. When they got there they sat at the table on the far left next to the door. Then everyone else came in. The principal walks in and stands in the middle of the cafeteria. He says "I'm glad you all had came, but you all need to sit with your clubs to make this easier for us to talk". Jack said "yeah something is definitely going on and it's not good". Molly looks at jack and kisses him on the cheek. She said "as long as I have you I have nothing to worry about". Jack smiles and blushes as they sat there together. Then everyone got up and moved with there clubs. 4 others sat down with jack and Molly. There is 18 clubs in the school and they all sat at the table. The principal smiles and says "alright everyone! This school has donated enough money to put an arena in the school". Jack says "yo what's up with the arena"? The principal looks over at jack and said "I was waiting for someone to ask me that specific question and I have that answer. The arena is for all the clubs to fight to the death and the last one standing wins. If there is one left in any club they will either join another club or executed by the staff of the school". Molly then hold on to jack and then says "who is over all this"? The principal looks over and says "the man by the name Mike". jack's eyes got big and then looks at his friends and girlfriend, he said "well shit this is the is a little interesting". Molly smiles and said "what is it dear"? jack looks over and said "its kind of interesting that the school puts alot of money into an arena then our knowledge". the principle then looks at the students  with an evil smile and said "well i hate to break it to you guys and girls but the first fight happens today". molly looks at everyone and then she thinks "dam this is bad, if we get picked first they may put us against the best people first. with this being said they may whip us off the map". jack looks over and smiles, he said "if we get picked first we will kick everyone ass up to this guy named Mike". the princable laughs and said "well thing is the last team standing will have to fight Mike". kofi looks at jack and said "what the hell man? were gonna die the first round". jack looks at him with a serious look and said "well let me put this in your head Kofi. we are not gonna loose, we are gonna beat everyone here and then get to the top". then the princable looks at them and said "you know what the funny thing is Kofi"? Kofi looks at him with a worried look and said "what's that"? he said "you all will do your best but try not to die". diamond looks at the princable and said "so basically this is a gang free for all"? the princable looks at them and said "yea pretty much if you want to look at this arena like that". jack then looks down and smiles as his head comes back up and said "we are gonna kick all your asses! do you hear me"?! molly looks at Jack and said "shut up you idiot! you will then get us killed"! then the princable looks at jack and said "well if you got that much confidence then i will have you all go against the math geeks". Galvin looks at jack with an upset look and said "you can never shut your dam mouth can you? i mean know where really at a disadvantage". Jack just stands there quietly and smiles and said "don't worry we got this battle in the bag". then leigh said "what part of math geeks don't you understand? they know more shit then we do". jack then sat there and then said "we got this we have to believe in ourselves guys no matter what the situation". the principle then said "alright come back in an hour to see an amazing fight. jack and his crew versus the math geeks". then they look at each other and was ready for battle.

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