Chapter 5- Apolo vs Zack

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They clashed hands in the center of the ring, they bounced back for some distance. Zack looks at Apolo and says "you don't stand a chance against my IF Apolo". Apolo laughs uncontrollably, then says "we will see about that". Then Zack called his IF BigD and he moved real fast. Apolo jumps up and BigD met him in the air. He said "eat this! Water evaporation"! His hands turned to mist and punched apolo. As soon as his hand touched him, apolo went flying down and took a lot of damage. As soon as he got up the smoke was clearing up. He had heads and tails out in a blocking formation. Apolo thought "dam if I didn't pull out heads and tails when I did I would be dead right know". Then Zack sat there for a minute and said "well, looks like you serviced my attack. But you took a lot of damage from it. My next attack will kill you apolo"! He moved even faster this time and apolo dodged it. When he jumped up he saw that he was behind him like last time. Then apolo turned around and said "heads and tails, ultimate beat down! hedahedahedahedahedaheda". He empacted Zack with his attack. But something didn't seem right. BigD took the attack straight on but didn't get fazed at all. Then BigD comes back around with a reverse ultimate beat down and hits heads and tails. Apolo hits the ground hard, then jack says "come on apolo you got this battle in the bag! Get off the ground and teach that bastard a lesson"! Apolo heard jacks insperation and try's to get back up. Then Zack said "your still able to get off the ground? Dam you got guts kid, but this battle is over. Die"!!! He charges at apolo and apolo starts to remember what means the most to him. Then heads and tails move apolo behind Zack and BigD. Apolo says "you know your right about one thing Zack this fight is over! Eat this!!! Head and tails uppercut domination"! Apolo is moving faster than he has ever moved before. Zack was looking around and said "dammit! Where is he"! Then, heads and tails came from the ground and upper cuts Zack. Then apolo came from the sky and sucker punched Zack repeatedly till they hit the ground. When they hit the ground the ref comes down to check to see if the fight is over. When the ref gets down there and checks zacks pulse there wasn't one. Then the ref radios in the winner of the fight. Then the principal announced the winner. He says "the winner of the fight between Apolo vs Zack is, apolo with his IF Heads and Tails"! Everyone cheered and then apolo falls over in being exhausted. Then they look at each other and the principal said "the next battle is between Leigh and Bobby". Leigh said "dammit why am I next". Jack walks up to her and said "well that's a good question but all I can say for now is good luck". The sighs and then walks to the center of the battlefield. Then the principal said "alright let's get started! Leigh vs Bobby"! Jack and them cheered her on. The principal said "begin". Bobby charges at Leigh.

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