Chapter 12-the screams in the hall

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They was about to leave the office till they heard someone scream. Molly says "what the hell"? Kofi says "let's check it out. Someone could be in trouble". Jack said "no we leave and let them fight on there own". Kofi looks at jack pissed and said "I thought you cared about people jack"? Jack says "I do but how do we know it's a person and not an IF". Kofi says "if your not gonna go then I'm gonna go alone". Kofi leaves the office to find out where that scream came from. Molly looks at jack and says "you really gonna let him leave like that"? Jack said "dammit.. no I'll go with him". Then jack leaves the office and heads towards the scream, then jack hears kofi say "b4 explosion expansion"! There was a loud boom and then jack ran faster. When he arrived and he seen that there was kofi unconscious. Jack ran and grabbed kofi and then turned around. When he turned around there was a dead body hanging there by the neck. Jack let out a tiny yell, he calmed down and went around the body. Before he got to the office there was a body thrown and jack throws kofi in the office. The body hits jack and he gets launched into the wall. He gets the dead body off of him and then looked up. He sees this figure and the figure runs away down the hall. When jack runs down the hall after it he realized something wasn't right. Jack thought "what the hell happened to that guy"? Then he ran into the figure.

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