Chapter 8- anthony vs dimond

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Anthony and Diamond went down the spiral staircase that lead to the battlefield. She looks across the field and sees that Anthony is staring her down. She smiles and looks at him, she says "your kinda cute. If we didn't have to fight to the death I would so take you out on a date". Anthony blushes skittle and says "really?! You would? I would be down to take you on a date. But we have to fight to the death here so I'm not holding back". Diamond smiles at him and says "alright let's get this party start shall we". He nods and they charge at her, the clash with a hit in the face. They both go flying back and hits a tree. She gets up and sees a needle flying towards her. She dodged it and Anthony says "we'll looks like you have seen my IF's ability now. My IF is called discharge. His ability is needle transplants. I can take anything and turn it into a needle. Thing about my IF is that those are hospital needles. They have poison in them. So one pierces you, your done for". Then Diamond stood there for a minute and thought "damn if I get hit this battle will be over before it ever started. I have to figure something out and win this fight". Anthony charges at diamond and said "discharge! Need devastation"! There was six needles coming out of his hands and shot them at her. Then, diamond said "red ruby! Full coverage"! She grabbed some bark off a tree and turned it to a ruby color and solid as a rock. The needles stuck to the shield. Diamond thought "Damn that was close. Another second I would be dead"! Then she threw a smoke bomb on the ground and went to hide behind a bush. Anthony laughs and said "I can tell your hiding. Discharge has heat sensing vision, so your over there! Need discharge"!! There was an electric needle that flew past diamond's head. Diamond m looks at it with shock and thinks "dam this is bad very bad". Then she went into offensive and said "if that's so then let's take out that vision! Red Ruby disclosure"! She grabbed some dirt and ran towards him. Anthony said "alright finally the battle can get a little interesting! Discharge over drive"! There was a 12 shocked needles coming her way and she said "red ruby full coverage"! She grabbed a rock and it turned into a ruby shield that deflected the needles. She got close and through the dirt in his eyes and the IF couldn't see. Then Anthony looks around to find her but couldn't. Then diamond charges in and says "let's finish this battle". She hits him in the face knocking him down to his but. He looks up and says "I thought you said I was cute". She laughs and said "I was just fucking with you. Your not cute at all. Red ruby suffocation"! She touched his body and his body started turning into a ruby substance. He yelled in pain as his bones was freezing and breaking. It got to his head and said "dam you diamond, dam you to hell"! Then his body was fully covered in ruby substance. Then she said "I'll see you there. Red ruby domination". Red ruby smashed his body and the principal announced the winner. The principal said "the battle between Anthony and diamond has came to a conclusion and diamond is the winner". She walks back as the crowed cheers. She meets jack and them in the waiting room. Then the principal said "alright for the next match up we have Molly vs Alisha". Molly got excited and busted out the door and headed down to arena.

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