Sasha warmed up to Jake within minutes; she never really had a problem making new friends, plus Jake appeared to be good with kids. Soon, she was tugging his arm to show him her Barbie doll and video games collection.

"Sasha, you do realise that Jake isn't a girl, right?" I asked sardonically as I followed the pair. It was a comical sight to see my nine-year-old sister tugging a twenty-year-old man with all her strength up the stairs.

Sasha ignored me and continued chattering away to Jake, who sent me an amused smile. "I'm guessing you don't play with her often," he said to me.

Before I could answer, my sister squealed, "She never plays with me."

I tugged at her pigtails. "Fine, I'm never playing on the PS2 with you again."

She stuck out her tongue at me again. "Whatever. Jake will play with me from now on," she said determinedly.

Jake laughed and ruffled Sasha's hair. "I can handle PS2, but no Barbie dolls, okay?"

Sasha didn't answer as she led Jake to her room. Technically, it was her playroom. Sasha was afraid of the dark, so she shared my bed at night instead of sleeping alone in her room. She let go of Jake's hand and skipped over to her toy-box.

"So, we're gonna pretend we don't know each other?" Jake asked, grinning at me as he leaned on the wall.

I shrugged. "It's too late to change that now. Besides, I don't think our parents would approve of how we met," I said. "By the way, why the hell didn't you warn me that you were coming here?" I asked, punching his arm lightly.

Jake pretended that my punch hurt and pouted. "I wanted to surprise you and I get a punch as a thank-you?"

"Sissy is a meanie. She doesn't know how to say thank-you,' added in my sister as she came towards us with two Barbie dolls in her hands.

Jake raised his eyebrow at me. "Bad role model, Rebbie."

"Am not," I said. "She gave me worms as a gift on my last birthday and she expects me to say thank-you?"

Jake looked somewhat impressed at that, much to my indignation. "Worms, eh? High-five lil sis," he said, offering his palm to Sasha who gleefully high-fived it.

"See, I have princess Barbie dolls too!" she said excitedly to Jake, waving the dolls in front of his face.

"Wow, these are quite cool…"

I watched the two with an absent minded smile on my face. Jake genuinely paid attention to what Sasha was saying and responded accordingly. I guess the time spent with his nephew taught him to be good with kids. I could tell he'd make a great father someday.

"Kids, come down for dinner." I heard my dad's booming voice call us.

"Yay, Mum made Chinese today. Do you like Chinese, Big Bro?" asked Sasha as she tugged Jake along.

"You don't have to call me Big Bro, Sasha. Just Jake is fine," Jake said, pinching Sasha's cheek.

"She's used to calling me Big Sis, so she won't give up on your nickname," I said, Sasha nodding at my words.

"Alright," Jake conceded, grinning.

The three of us made our way downstairs and took our seats at the dinner table. Sasha made Jake sit beside her and I took the seat opposite him. Dad took the head of the table with Mum and Mr Adams on his right and left respectively while Mrs Adams took a seat beside me.

The meal went well. The parents were talking about something or the other. Sasha was making a mess as usual and I was surprised to see Jake cleaning up and trying to help her. He fed her the soup when she was refusing to eat. Much to my surprise, Sasha happily obeyed him. Usually, she was very stubborn and wouldn't listen to anything I'd say.

"Wow, Jake actually made my daughter eat?" Mum asked, looking at the pair disbelievingly.

Sasha grinned at Mum. "The food was yummy, mummy," she chirped, making us laugh.

"Thank you, Jake. She usually refuses to have dinner," said my mother.

Jake flushed. "It's nothing, Mrs Smith. I baby-sit my nephew sometimes."

My mum smiled. I could tell that she was impressed. She didn't trust boys at all. She didn't have a good relationship with her brother, so except Dad, she distrusted all men and always told me, "Men are cunning devils who'll emotionally blackmail you into getting what they want, but once they get it, they'll dump you."

"Oh, Hallie, you won't believe how less Rebecca studies." I heard my mother say to Mrs Adams.

I narrowed my eyes at her as Jake hid a smirk.

Mrs Adams chuckled. "Yes, Jake was the same. He was always going out with his friends or spent his time with his guitar. But he straightened up during the exams and got straight A's."

"Jake, how are you in Math?" my father asked.

"Um…quite good," said Jake.

"Rebecca needs a tutor. She didn't do well in Math this term."

My eyes grew wide. Jake tutoring me? Oh my God. Was I dreaming?

"Oh, I'd be happy to help her out," Jake said, flashing me a smile.

"Yes, Jake sleeps all day, Dr Smith," said Mr Adams. "He can help out Rebecca anytime."

Everyone looked at me, expecting me to say something. I was still shocked by what had just happened. Jake tutoring me…which meant more time spent with him…boy, was I getting lucky or what?

"Sure," I said calmly, even though my heart was doing flips in the air. "Your help would be much appreciated."

Jake raised an eyebrow at my formality. Much appreciated? he mouthed when he made sure the adults weren't looking. He then made a face to show what he thought of my choice of words.

I glared at him and threw a light kick at his legs. He drew in a sharp breath, and gave me a smirk and a look that said, You're on. He glanced at the adults, before I felt his foot…tickling me. He ran his foot up my legs, sending shivers down my spine.

I spluttered on my drink, biting my lip to stop myself from bursting out laughing and kicked at his feet, but I missed and hit Sasha's instead.

"Ow! Mummy, Sissy kicked me!" complained my sister. Jake was trying very hard to stop himself from laughing.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"It was the rats!"

"Where?" screeched my sister before jumping out of her seat, looking absolutely frightened. Jake finally burst out laughing, as did the parents.

"Sit down, dear, there are no rats," my mother reassured Sasha. "Rebecca, don't disturb your sister."

"I wasn't -"

"Rebecca," my mother said warningly before returning to her chat with Mrs Adams.

I sent my most deathly glare at Jake but he merely smirked. I hate you, I mouthed.

He grinned. Love you too, I distinctly saw him mouth the words.

I felt my cheeks heat up and decided to avoid his eyes for the rest of the evening.

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