the Droid Army

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(This will be a rather short chapter, but I hope that you guys enjoy)

C.I.S. Alpha Base: the droids after the Battle with Decimus began preparing for the mission to go to the Cartographer with the UNSC, but one B1 droid rushed to General Kalani and General Grievous with blueprints for ships, star fighters, vehicles, and droids that they've never seen before. "Generals. me, the Clones, a few other droids, the Jedi, the other Leaders, and Spartan-130 have come up with new designs for our fleet, star fighters, vehicles, and our foot soldiers after coming into contact with an AI known as Mendicant Bias who said: "keep yourselves true to your originals, but bring in a new order." it means that it says that it wants to keep our original units, vehicles, star fighters, and star ships: but bring in new stuff too. So everyone I mentioned and myself have made new designs, I hope that you approve." Grievous being interested in the blueprints took them from the B1 and looked over them and the Kaleesh's eyes widened more and more after each blueprint was looked over and he handed the blueprints to Kalani who nodded. "Your designs have been approved, now return to your station." Grievous ordered. "Roger Roger" the B1 said before leaving. And the factories and shipyards began producing the new designs.

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