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"Colton, what do you think about Casey's...current condition?"

Colton looked away from his keyboard and at his parents who stood in the doorway of his room. He was beyond confused at their random question.

It was a big hurdle but one that they could all overcome if they worked together. As long as he was alive, he would always help Casey. She was his sister after all, and he loved her, no matter if she was suicidal or a little bit loopy.

He shrugged. "I don't think it's a big deal because we're all here for her. I wanna help her out as much as I can."

He went to turn back to his blog when he caught sight of his Mama and Pa exchanging worried glances.

"Look, son," his Pa began, rubbing his shaved head in what looked like sheer exhaustion. Colton narrowed his eyes; he knew what that tone usually meant, and it wasn't good news. "We know your sister can be a handful but...we understand if you can't look after her. Maybe we can just look for places that can—"

Colton couldn't believe what he was hearing. His own parents...

He shot up from his spot on the bed, fists clenched and white-hot fury oozing from within like acid as he glowered at his parents.

"I never said I couldn't look after her. I said I want to help her which is the opposite of not being able to look after her."

"I kno—"

"No, you don't know, Pa!" he yelled hoarsely, his voice echoing off of the four walls. His voice strained against his throat painfully as he continued. "I can't believe you want to give up on Casey, too! H-how could you?!"

His parents looked distressed; his Mama's eyes sparkling with crystal tears and his Pa looking a decade older, the wrinkles on his forehead deepening.

"We don't want to do anything drastic. It's not as simple as that, Colton," he said in a hushed tone. "We just...we have to think about you too, son. We love Casey but you're only eighteen. You have your whole life ahead of you and we don't want you to waste it looking after your sister."

"I know how to look after myself. It doesn't mean we can just give up on her," he spat back, bitterly.

Colton was seeing his parents in a new light, one that he didn't like. He knew that Casey's episodes were hard to deal with, but he had thought they would all work it out together.

"We're not giving up on her. We just want you to focus on yourself while we take care of Casey."

He scoffed. "Yeah, by taking her to a fucking mental hospital where they'll probably experiment on her or something."

He was too angry to make sense of anything; his blood was boiling and he had had enough of the conversation.

If he stood there any second longer, he was afraid that he'd do something he'd most likely regret.

Ignoring the way his Mama gasped and stared at him like he was another person, he strode right past them and to Casey's room.

She was staring at the book in front of her, her eyes glazed over as if she was in another world. But as soon as he entered, she blinked up at him and a soft smile curved her rosy lips.

"Colton! Have you come to say hi to Taylor too?" she asked, excitement building in her voice. Her cheek was flushed with innocent enthusiasm as she looked at him. "I was just reading him this really good book."

She giggled but the sound trailed off as the smile slowly slipped off her lips. Her eyes slid down to the book, a faraway expression on her face.

"He loves this book," she whispered to herself.

The look on her face made Colton think she knew what she was saying was strange, but as if she couldn't come to terms with it.

She was struggling and he knew it. His parents knew it and wanted to give up on her even though they were the only ones she had left.

Colton could feel the heat rising to his face from the animosity that exuded him. He wanted to hate everything, but for the sake of Casey, he couldn't.

As the anger he felt slowly subsided without a reason, he made a vow in his head. He would always take care of Casey as long as he was alive.

Before things had turned to shit, once upon a time, Casey always looked out for him. And this time, it was his turn.

With a firm nod to himself about the vow made, he turned and silently left the room.

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