2. Dolphin sin of betrayal

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Everyone was drop-dead shocked about Meliodas's announcement, except Merlin and himself of course. She was kind of satisfied and he was only worried.

"But how.. I mean. We never.." Diane tried to make sense out of it, but she couldn't.

"That's because it happened 2000 years ago...

It was an average day when I found her. I was walking towards fairy forest intentions just to walk by it back to the hut I lived back then. I heard these guards, fairy guards arresting someone. First I thought just to ignore it, but after a while, I started hearing loud screaming and crying it sounded awful. I had to go and take a look at what was going on. I saw this fairy girl being tortured by the guards they were ripping of her wings, she looked innocent and helpless so I decided to go help her. 

I jumped quickly in front of her, they started laughing at me, "he's helping that mixed-race!" 

I didn't care what it meant she was in pain and troubled. They started attacking me, but luckily after a couple of full counters they already gave up. Which actually made me feel like they thought it was fun to torture people like that. When they were gone I didn't hesitate, just grabbed her and run as fast as I could. When I came close to a village I searched for the doctor and took her there, I got to be in the nursing room as he stopped the bleeding. 

Then he came to me and said, "are these burns, they look really dark, they're on the rifts in her back." 

I walked by her bed she was wearing these odd clothes and from her legs, I saw spreading demon black areas stretched to her back. 

"I don't know how she survived, but her condition seems stable." He said and after left the room. Then it cleared out for me that this girl was a demon, but also a fairy, I've never seen anything like it..."

"Apart from Gloxinia now, but why would fairies do that to their kind, I mean ripping wings off... No fairy should go through it-" King interrupted sobbing as he floated downwards.

Diane started to comfort him by leaning on Chastiefol and tapping him on the shoulder, smiling gently.

"I don't know, anyway...

...I kinda related to her so I thought I had to help her. I knew it would only take a bit of time until the doctor will realize what she was, so I grabbed her and took her to my place. When I laid her to bed I noticed another odd thing, she had this mark on her chest, it was a dolphin. And it looked the same as our marks do. I got confused because I was sure I've never seen her before. The third odd thing was she had these swords on her back I placed them next to the bed. I gave her better clothes and stayed there for many hours, but she did not wake up. Eventually, I went downstairs to do something I can't really remember what, but it didn't take long until she rushed there. She had her swords out and she was really freaked out by me. She stood there a second staring me straight into eyes, she looked scared and lost, but before I could say a word she ran through the door. I rushed after her, she was gone. I started following her dark aura it was headed back to the fairy forest. When I got there the fairies that walked towards me were really terrified, they were sobbing and stumbling. 

They look at me like a fool, children asked their parents, "why is that man going there?" I did not really pay attention to it, but soon as I got there I understood. She was standing there and as she noticed me she turned, tear floods running from her demonic black eyes. The view was so devastating that you could have probably heard as her tears hit the ground. Her eyes went back to normal and then she almost fell, I caught her before hitting the ground she felt weak. Her body was fever warm. She had used her powers to slaughter most of those fairy guards, innocents had died too, I had no idea what kind of power she had used, but it seemed like from everyone's bodies was drawn out all the blood. And then some explosions and a normal sword fight had happened. I saw myself in her, I knew how she felt. So I decided to take her back to my place..."

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