Just please tell me...

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I was picking up all the things, I was trying to clean up all the mess in my apartment, picking up all the broken pieces of all the broken things.

I was crying, I was afraid that something might happened to me, and the worst thing was that I thought that finally I could be free of all the things that I did, turned out I was very wrong?

Suddenly I received a phone call from Shawn

Shawn: Hey, I know we just saw each other but I need to tell you something, Are you still at your apartment?
You: Yes...I am...
Shawn: Omg! What happened? You sound sad, Are you crying?
You: Shawn, someone broke into my apartment...
Shawn: Omfg! Are you okay? Did the person hurt you?
You: I think the person got in when we were in the date...
Shawn: Do you know who it was?

I pause a moment, because I totally knew who broke into the house, but if I tell Shawn who she is, I would have to explain him everything that happened in the past, and I know he will hate me for that...

Shawn: Y/n? Are you there?
You: Yeah, sorry I am just a little bit shocked...
Shawn: So, Do you know who it was?
You: No I don't...
Shawn: Well I am coming to pick you up, okay? I won't let you stay there, is so not safe for you...
You: Where am I staying then?
Shawn: At my place...
You: Are you happy with that?
Shawn: How could I not be?
You: K, I will wait...

I hang up the phone and I wait for Shawn...

When he arrived I opened the door and I left with him...

When we got to his apartment we decided to watch some T.V series, and it was wonderful...

Suddenly he started to grab my hand and I looked up to him...

You: Umm...
Shawn: I am sorry...
You: Don't worry, it's okay...

I stand up and I told him...

You: I do know who broke into my apartment...
Shawn: Why you didn't tell me?
You: Because it's a long story and if I tell you, I know that you are going to fucking hate me for that...
Shawn: What happened?
You: Umm...

FRESH START...(Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now